Chapter 17

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- You didn't send me any messages - she said and she acted offended.
- No... I've been busy - I said. And then I felt dumb after saying that.
- I was intrigued, how did things go? - she asked and I knew what she was asking.
- Negative, not pregnant - I said. She laughed and said,
- You're direct. I'm really happy for you. Hey...
- Hm? What? - I asked.
- Wanna celebrate? - she asked.
- Umm... - I answered.
- You up to something now? Or are you free? - she asked.
- I mean I should study but I could do that later - I said looking at my feet while I walked.
- Want to go to the park and walk? - she asked. And I felt myself blush.
- Yeah, why not? - I said. 
- Well let's go, we can walk around and sit on a bench, I don't know.
- Sure.

We walked in silence for a moment and we both spoke at the same time, then we laughed.
- Let me speak! - she screamed laughing.
- Oh okay - I said mocking her.
- What were you studying? - she asked and looked at me. She seemed truly intrested and that touched me, I didn't feel like someone intresting usually.
- made me guess your name so try to guess my carreer. I'll give you three chances.
- Fine... You have a sensitive look in your eyes, kind of nostalgic, so you could be maybe studying psychology? Or some carreer that involves a lot of emotion.
- Nope, wrong - I said and met her eyes.
- Okay... What about art? That involves a lot of emotion - she asked.
- No! Last try or you lose - I said smiling.
- Well, this will sound weird - she said.
- Say it, we can't have normal conversations anyways - I said.
- Okay, I have this theory - she said.
I waited for her to continue but she wouldn't say anything.
- What's it about? - I asked when we were finally reaching the park.
- It's about hands - she said. She took my hand for a second and I felt something going up inside of me, this strange heat.
- Hands? What? - I laughed a little.
- Hands say a lot about us. The size, the length of the fingers, its inside and outside, the strength in its muscles and the colour.
- Well my hands are huge - I said.
- Maybe I should've been born a man but God messed up - I said joking.
- God didn't mess up silly - she said without letting go of my fingers.
- You're fingers are long, these are hands of an artist. Or you play the piano or the guitar. And they are very different, they have both masculine and femenine features, that means that you're a mixture of both. And they look strong...that says a lot.
- What does that strength say to you - I asked.
- Oh so my theory is now intresting - she said.
- I never said it wasn't! - I replied.
- That strength speaks of your inner strength. Melancholic people need strength to survive in this world - she said.
- what's my carreer? - I asked. Ignoring that she just called me a melancholic person. She laughed a little.
- Music? - she said.
- Very close... Musical therapy - I answered.
- Oh, well very close. What's that? - she asked.
- Its about helping people who have both, emotional and physical difficulties. With music you can reach areas in the brain and modify them slowly in a positive way that helps those people overcome their difficulties. For example, you can help a person who had an ACV recuperate the ability to walk with different strageties that include music, or you can help people reduce the pain in the body after an operation by using the music - I said. And I felt something in my chest while I spoke of my carreer, this feeling that made me want to begin working and helping.
- Hannah, that's so beautiful - she said.
I liked how she listened and how she validated my words.
- Thanks Ev - I said. It felt weird to say her nickname for the first time but it slipped out. I think she might have blushed, but I'm not sure. My head's good at making stories.
- What do you study? - I asked.
We sat down on a bench and her long hair fell over on her left side while she rested her hands on the surface of the bench.
- I study Medicine, I want to be a doctor - she said.
I looked at her hands and thought to myself what they said about her. They were delicate and a little smaller than mine. She had one ring on her left hand and I asked myself if it meant anything, it was on her middle finger.

To me she had the face of an intelligent girl, any job that included a lot of intelectual stimulation seemed to fit her. Her factions and the shape of her eyes spoke of intelligence.
- Do I look like a doctor? - she asked looking at her own hands.
- You could be a doctor - I said. And she gave me this tender smile.
- We could work together - she said suddenly with excitement. I thought to myself that her excitement and sudden happiness made her...sort of beautiful.
- Yeah, why not? - I said.

We walked back to the end of the block where we had to separate usually.
- Hey, send me a message you hermit - she said to me.
- Maybe - I said bothering.
She looked at her watch and said,
- Oh, I really have to go! Time flied - she said. We gave eachother a little hug and she almost ran when she left. What rushed her so much?
I walked home still listening to her voice in my mind, to the conversations we had just had.

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