~+ A Soul to Rely on - Suicidal! Galf x Trooper +~

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HAIIIIIIIII! i do some stoopid stuff bc yes 😌✨And yes I WILL FINALLY POST EVADE AFTER A MONTH 😭😭😭 Btw this is my first time making Suicidal so ye- This will be angst if that's okay :> Alr lemme make this baiiiiii~!!!

Galf's POV:

Why does... nobody like me?

Everybody keeps saying that i'm dumb, including my whole family because they think i'm a mistake! What did I do to deserve this life? I have no other person to rely on, a shoulder to cry on, and a friend through the highs and the lows... I'm not gonna make it alone. 

Should I end my life?

Everyone keeps telling me that. I am useless anyways... Who even loves me? No one cares. I'm just a lonely, annoying person. No one can't even talk to me with a single compliment, or even spend time with me just for once! I'm just gonna live as a grim, gloomy, sad man. I decided to get a knife and cut myself in the bathroom. Every scar, all the blood. More and more they're never done. Not enough, not enough... I was so tired of my life that I decided to stop cutting. So instead, I decided to make a plan... I'm gonna hang myself.

I prepared the rope and got some pills in case it doesn't work. I hanged it on the ceiling, and I proceded to put my head on the rope. I pushed the chair, and I had trouble breathing immediately. Goodbye, cruel world...

Trooper's POV:

I really want to spend sometime with Galf. I mean, he is a wonderful and nice friend but... I can't hang out with him because of military duties. Pack my job. (boi I ain't writing bad words) Well at least it's my day off today. It felt like a year since I last saw him... I feel bad cause he has a high level of depression. I hope he doesn't kill himself.

I decided to go to the bouqette shop for flowers, as they make him calm down. I bought them and began walking down the street. I usually see him got made fun of by the people in the street, but that didn't happen today. I decided to go a bit closer to hear what they're talking about. Maybe they know where he went, I thought.

"Hey dude maybe that bish Galf is finally gonna kill himself!", said Gay number 1. "Oh yeah? Let's celebrate once he does!", said Gay number 2. Ah pack. Please don't do this to me Galf. This is me praying that, this is the very first page, not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, Galf. Just don't do this to me...

I immediately ran to his house, and to my luck, the door was locked. I began searching my pockets as if i'm moving heaven and earth just to find a lockpick, and fortuantely, I have one. i opened the door and peaked in all of the rooms in his house. When I checked the bathroom, I saw an unsent letter on his table. I opened it, and I red out loud:

Dear Trooper,

It's me Galf. Don't be that worried about me. I understand that you have work so you have the right to leave me alone. I feel lonely, so who else can I rely on? I wish you were here ike the old times, where we sit down and watch some stoopid movies and we just laugh at them while eating popcorn. But no, you weren't here. I feel like I wan't to end my life right now, so let me be the first person to inform you that I will kms. It's not like you care about me, right? Every time it was your day off, you always do some projects for your super annoying job. And when you're finally done, you just rest for a while. I'm not mad about that, I just wish i spent more time with you. I never got the chance to say this, but I love you with all my heart. I love you, I love you, I love you.

                                                                - From your "best friend", Galf.                                                                                                               16-03-24                                                  

Oh dayum, it's all my fault that he wants to kill himself. But wait, this was written today, so I still have the chance to save him! C'mon Trooper just go look for him! I searched everywhere, not caring if I get a scar from the sharp doorknobs are something. Until... I finally found him.

He was turning blue while his eyes were closed. "GALF!", I immediately ran to him as he fell to my arms. I checked his pulse and he wasn't breathing, and his pulse is very slow. I layed him on the floor gently as I did chest compressions. I kept doing it, until he woke up with his beautiful eyes. "T-trooper? Why did you save me...?", he asked me in a weak, hoarse voice. "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!", I said hugging him. It feels so good that he's in my arms, now safe. He hugged me back, sobbing all the pain he felt.

"Please don't do this again, love", I mumbled to him. He nodded and then we proceeded to clean the mess he made. (ik what u guys r thinking 🤨📸) I saw his raw, red, scars then I decided to heal them. We both sat on the bed with no sound while I was treating the wound. "Are you sure that you love me?", Galf broke the silence. Tears stroked down my face as I heard that. How would I not? I couldn't help doing this, but...

Yo this will take a while



I kissed him in the cheek. (L BOZO U THOUGHT IT WAS THE LIPS 😈)

He started at me, but not in a bad way... In a "In love" way. He hugged me tight as he can. Dayum I guess he loves me that much. I hugged him back as he kissed me in the forehead. That felt nice. (Clean Ur mind mfs 🤨📸)

"Promise that you'll never leave my side, ever?", he asked me with thoughtful eyes. "Of course. I will never.", I said to him while stroking his hair gently. "Never...", he said. And then we kissed.

OH MAH GOD FINALLY I'M DONE 😭😭😭 DAYUM this took 2 days 💀 I didn't post this at Friday bc Yuh I didn't have time- So uh ye 😎 I'm in a birthday party rn so this comment is rushed :) alr byeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!

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