Start from the beginning

The room floods with light, causing JJ and I to let out loud whines and cover our eyes. Kiara chuckles at me and presses a kiss to my nose, gently prying my hands away from my puffy eyes.

"Time to get up" She coaxes.

Before I can protest, my mother calls my name and tells us all to go downstairs for breakfast before we all leave. The Pogues drag me and JJ out of bed and we head downstairs after slipping on some clothes.

When we enter the dining room we're met with music playing from the radio and the table being covered in breakfast foods.

"Holy heaven" JJ practically drools as we sit down at the table and my mother laughs at him as he piles his plate with food.

I place a couple waffles and some bacon onto my own before smothering them with maple syrup, my stomach growling as I tuck into the meal. We all wolf down our food and I don't miss the proud look on my dad's face when he spots my fully finished plate.

"Thank you so much for breakfast, Eliza" Makoa says to my mother gratefully and she waves him off as he grins, looking to the Pogues "We should get going"

"Yeah we better hit the road" Pope agrees.

"You guys go ahead. I need to speak to my family about something" I tell them and they all nod in understanding.

Pope thanks my mother too and JJ tells her how amazing she is, pecking her cheek as she beams at him happily. I was right about my parents adoring JJ in the end, they love him.

Before Kiara can follow JJ, Makoa and Pope out to the van I grab onto her wrist and pull her back into her seat so we're sat together across from my family.

"You want me to stay?" Kiara murmurs in surprise and I nod with a soft smile.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Dad is the first to say something and I look over at them, taking a deep breath.

"I wasn't fully honest with you about why Rafe and I broke up" I admit to them and my parents frown in confusion, Thomas merely smirking as if he already knows what I'm about to say.

"So, he didn't cheat on you?" Mom questions.

"Oh, he did. Although I was already going to break up with him because I realised that I just didn't have feelings for him" I explain to them hesitantly "I actually don't have feelings for any boys"

"I'm confused" Dad replies.

Kiara takes a hold of my hand on the table and I smile at her gratefully, causing my parents to raise their brows at the interaction.

"Wait, you don't like boys at all" Dad catches on.

"Because she likes girls" Mom adds.

"Kiara is Allison's girlfriend" Thomas states with a cheeky grin.

"Are you upset with me?" I ask meekly, almost holding my breath in worry of their answer.

My parents are silent for a moment as it sets into their brains that their daughter is a lesbian that likes girls and I feel sick as I watch them glance at each other with a strange look. All of a sudden their faces break into wide grins and they smile at me warmly, shooting down all of my worries in an instant.

"Honey, we love you no matter who you love" Mom declares and I let out a breath of relief, my eyes watering.

"Honestly I much prefer Kiara to Rafe" Dad shrugs and my mom gives him a scolding look but she smiles as though she agrees "You look after my little girl, Kiara"

"I love her more than anything. She's safe with me, sir" Kiara assures my dad and I smile at her lovingly.

"I would just like to say that I totally called this from the start" Thomas announces smugly and I shoot him a playful glare "There was always tension between you two"

"I'm glad someone seen it" Mom chuckles "I've been keeping my eye on the wrong Pogue"

"We thought you and JJ were secretly dating" Dad reveals and I look at them in disbelief while Kiara bursts out laughing.

"JJ is dating Makoa" Thomas states as if its common knowledge and my parents are surprised once again "It's like you guys have no gaydar at all"

"This is all so confusing" Dad says and Mom nods in agreement.

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