Mate. She scoffed at the term. Bor had never called her that during his charade back on that planet. Not once. He would not get the title now. Looking up to Rakkah with fury in her eyes she gave him a firm look. "I have no mate."

Bor let out a warning growl beside her and stepped so close he was an inch away from touching her. She ignored him and continued to stare at the Ojibwe leader taking in every detail of the fierce looking yautja, looking for any sign of consent.

Rakkah simply stared back at her with a steady gaze and Izara knew then and there he would not give his consent.

Anger unfurled inside her and she clenched her fists at her sides. Suddenly she could feel every living soul in the great room. She could sense exactly how far away the walls were and guess their density. Ravki's detailed explanation of what she was resurfaced in her mind and it only added to the wildfire raging inside of her. They all may have known what she was long before her, she thought as she finally turned and faced the yautja at her side with a look of burning betrayal, but they clearly did not know who she was.

Inside her, the flames of her anger licked at her control, warning her yet provoking her at the same time. One voice of reason told her to just hold out while the other demanded that she give into the chaotic urge deep inside. The Berserker urge. But she knew the cost of that urge, Ravki explained the uncontrollable state and how she could easily be lost to it. For the past few days, Izara had thought often of that price. A price she seemingly paid once before with her memories--her very identity. Who was she before that last wipe in memories? Had she been the same person? She would never know the full details but she did know one thing, she thought as she turned from Bor's silent pleading eyes, she knew on a cellular level that regardless of her memories being lost she was no pushover--and she wasn't one now.

Turning her back to the throne, Izara marched down the aisle towards the door.

Behind her, there was a noise and then she heard the deep resonating sound of Rakkah's commanding voice. "You will not leave."

Angrily she whirled around and glared back at the yautja past the small sea of faces no doubt judging her. "Please," she began in a whisper but knew he could hear her. "I just...want to go home."

His eyes burned in the low light of the room even as his deep growling voice calmly replied. "You have no home out there." The pain his words caused cut so deep into her that it must have shown on her face because just for a moment there was a glimmer of remorse in his bright eyes. "This is your home now."

Izara shook her head. "I will not go from one prison to another." She looked to Bor who was still by her side. "I will not be lied to again."

"Izara-" Bor began but she turned from him and continued to the colossal double doors.

She was going to leave this planet with or without Rakkah's permission.

Halfway down the long aisle, two tall figures stepped in front of her blocking her way. It was Justice and her hulking lieutenant, Bex.

"We cannot let you leave, Izara." Justice's voice held a note of understanding but Izara could hear the resolute command within it.

Bex gave her a mean grin. "Yeah, little sis, can't have you out in the galaxies going crazy on everyone now can we?"

Justice threw a reproachful glare at her lieutenant but Bex continued to stare at Izara with a clear challenge written on her face. The massive soldier wanted a fight.

Beside her, Bor let off a threatening sound at Bex, and Justice said something to her. Izara couldn't pay attention. Her senses were all over the place. Vaguely she could hear Ravki's deep tone as he said something to Izara or maybe it was to Justice. Izara couldn't be sure. Tears of frustration ran down her face as she looked beyond the small crowd surrounding her to the huge double doors ten yards away. If she could just--

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