By the time she woke up, the ship was descending onto a clearing that had been cut into the thick surrounding jungle.

Izara was more than annoyed she missed the opportunity to see the outside of the yautja planet. She shot Bor a displeased look but he pretended as if he didn't see it as he helped her out of the sarcophagus.

She barely had time to marvel at the sights of the mysterious planet as Bor led her with singular determination past the towering hunter statues and into the colossal black pyramid. Izara tried to have him slow down but both he and Mokembi could not be swayed from their goal. She had every intention of stopping in her tracks and pouting when Bor finally stopped down a long dimly lit palace hallway. An unseen door slid open revealing a large room full of equipment. But it wasn't the lab equipment that stole Izara's attention it was the yautja standing in the middle of the room seemingly waiting for them.

Izara couldn't help but stare at the watchful hunter as they stepped into the huge lab. On the way to the palace, Izara hadn't seen anyone else. Granted it was night out when they landed but still she kind of expected to see some other living creature.

With spines that hung to his waist, the silent hunter wore no upper armor whatsoever while around his waist he wore a short leather skirt-like loin cloth that was tied on by an intricately braided leather belt. His slate grey muscular body was covered in various dark scars telling her without words the battles he had faced. Yellow eyes ringed in red stared at her with predatory assessment. With his mandibles fitted tightly together over his mouth, the new yautja exuded an air of calm.

The hunter stepped forward. "I am Ravki."

Izara looked to Bor and he gave her an imperceptible nod. Turning back to Ravki, Izara smiled at him. "Hi Ravki, I'm Izara."

Ravki's small eyes gleamed at her in the low light of the room, taking in every detail of her face before his eyes cut toward Bor with a flash of anger.

"You have not explained it to her," he said, accusation clear in his tone.

Beside her, Mokembi grumbled something in their low guttural language and Bor shifted impatiently on his feet. Responding with his own growl he threw the violent rumbling noises at both hunters but whatever he said did not move either of them. Their accusing gazes remained fixed on Bor.

Confused she looked between the three hunters and scooted close to Bor. Whatever it was she was on Bor's side. "What's going on?" she whispered to him, although she knew the others could no doubt hear her.

Stiffly, Bor turned to her and she could see the rare spark of hesitancy color his eyes.

Ravki spoke first. "Come Izara. I will examine you once more to ensure there is no lingering damage to your system." Izara frowned, ready to argue but Ravki continued. "And once done, Bor will tell you what needs to be said."

Izara felt Bor's low rumbling growl as he glared back at Ravki, but even despite his annoyance Bor turned and nodded at her, gesturing her to follow Ravki.

"We will talk once he is done," Bor agreed solemnly.

"Talk about what though?" she asked but Bor was already gently guiding her forward to follow behind Ravki as he walked deeper into the lab.

No one answered her question. Instead, Ravki had her stand while red laser lights scanned her from head to toe. In awkward silence, Bor and Mokembi watched as Ravki went over her vitals and asked her the barest of questions about how she was feeling. At first, she was tempted not to answer but she looked over to Bor and met his burning gaze. Whatever he wanted to talk about was really weighing on him. So she chose the path of least resistance and complied.

Predator: SurvivorWhere stories live. Discover now