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In all honesty, you're different — Different from your siblings: Saki and Tsukasa. Saki, the youngest of you three, isn't necessarily introverted — The same applies to your younger twin brother Tsukasa. He's quite extroverted, of course... He does aspire to be a World Star one day. Kind of the same with Saki, but she has a band.

While you supported your siblings, you realize you've never done anything too major or "noteworthy," well — At least in your eyes. You're more introverted than Saki and Tsukasa; you've never done anything like big gatherings, extra after school activities, clubs or anything related to that.

Now while you're afraid to approach others, and seem more quiet to them... You feel like you can be more of yourself with your siblings at least. They were basically your friends, but you eventually grew to live with that. It never bothered you anymore after the start of Junior High.

After years, you felt as if it was meant to be like this. So you didn't try to meet anyone new.

The bright, blinding sunlight from the rising sun poked through the trees as you and Tsukasa walk to Kamiyama. You both had already walked Saki to Miyamasuzaka. And Tsukasa was talking and talking away, as per usual. However you listened to every little word that came from his mouth. You were barely able to get any words in yourself, but you were fine with it. You found Tsukasa's rambling interesting.

     Tsukasa was talking about his troupe, Wonderlands × Showtime. He always spoke about them. You never properly met any of them, but you thought they seemed to be unique and fun to be around. You weren't gonna lie; you kind of wish you were friends with them too but you refused to make a move.

     You were familiar with Nene Kusanagi and Rui Kamishiro since they attend Kamiyama as well. You've also seen them with Tsukasa, and well — You share a homeroom with Rui as well so you've seen him more than Nene. This also means you have a homeroom with Tsukasa too.

     However Tsukasa mentioned someone who is named Emu Otori. You felt like the last name was familiar, and you weren't wrong. You found out her family owns PXL. But you noticed you never seen her at Kamiyama... because she attends Miyamasuzaka. You had a feeling Saki knew Emu because of this.

You listened to Tsukasa all the way until you both arrived at school. When you two arrived, you both switched to your indoor shoes before going to homeroom. He continued yapping about his troupe all the way to homeroom.

After walking up a few flight of stairs, you make it to the third floor where the third years are. You and Tsukasa approach a classroom with a sign "3-C" above one of its set of doors. Tsukasa proudly walked in front of you, sliding the door open for the two of you. You follow him inside, slowly sliding the door shut behind you.

Tsukasa sits in his usual seat, in the back. You sit at the table in front of him, by the window that shows the school's hallway. Nobody really sits with you, which you're fine with. You would have liked if Tsukasa could sit by you, but the teacher said he's meant to sit with Rui because they wanted to keep an eye on the two of them. That kind of told you a lot about Rui just from hearing that, but most likely not in a bad way.

The classroom doors in the back of the room suddenly slide open, and in comes Rui. You turn your head to the door at the noise but end up looking back out the window when you seen it was Rui. While you did, you listened to Rui and Tsukasa talking because you had nothing better to do until class started.

"Ah! Rui! There you are!" Tsukasa said with a big smile, before suddenly raising his voice quite loudly that a first year could possibly hear it; "GOOD MORNING!!!!!"

You cover your ears at Tsukasa's loud voice, attempting to drown out his yelling but it was in vein — You could still hear his loud voice... Tsukasa was really good at making your ears ring.

"Huhu.. You're certainly louder than usual today. Are you practicing your loud voice again?" Rui asked with a little cat smile on his face. Kind of like the ":3" emoticon. You found that a little interesting honestly.

Tsukasa nods, speaking loudly again. You cover your ears again, even if it wouldn't work entirely; "HAHAHA! OF COURSE!!!"

The urge to tell Tsukasa to quiet down was staggering but you wished to avoid drawing attention to yourself so you didn't say a word or even make a gesture. You just buried your head in your arms, feeling tired.

Eventually, the school day comes to a close. Everyone starts leaving the classroom one by one. Tsukasa wasn't in the classroom, he doesn't usually wait on you to follow him to where your shoe lockers are. Of course, he waits for you when you're walking home though.

So you were by yourself, packing up your supplies. As you were doing so, you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. It made you flinch; scaring you. You could tell it wasn't Tsukasa just from the way this person tapped your shoulder. It was softer than how Tsukasa would do it.

"Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to startle you." The voice said, apologizing for scaring you. You immediately recognized the voice — It was Rui's. It was surprising when you realized who it was. You felt reluctant to engage in the conversation, but would feel rude if you ignored him. So you turned around slowly, but you didn't make eye contact with him — You just stared at his light-azure cardigan.

"It's fine," you muttered quietly, stammering a lot, "you're Kamishiro, right..? Why are you talking to me..?"

The way you spoke made it hard for Rui to hear you but he still heard you. He nodded at you. "Yes, I am. I just thought I'd ask you a small question if you're comfortable with it?"

You pause for a moment. You were curious about what Rui was about to ask you. It probably wasn't anything bad, you thought in your mind. You quietly murmured a response to his question, stammering as you did; "Oh. Go ahead..."

"Are you perhaps related to Tsukasa-kun by any chance? I happened to notice you two hang out quite a bit, and also appear kind of similar to one another... Well, appearance wise, of course." Rui said softly. "Tsukasa never spoke too much about having another sibling or relative other than Saki, so I wanted to ask."

You nodded slowly and softly. You felt relieved upon hearing that Tsukasa doesn't talk about you too much, and that it's just a simple question that Rui asked you.

"Ah, yeah we're related... We're.. uhm.. twin siblings. That's all." You explained quietly with a little stuttering. Your face was a little red, feeling embarrassed and nervous from the conversation. Rui never necessarily approached you before this so your anxiety is most likely natural.

"Oya? Twins..? Huhu, I find that a little funny... You seem much more different than Tsukasa-kun. Ah, not negatively, of course." Rui said with an awkward smile, resting a hand on the back of his head and diverting his eyes slightly out of slight embarrassment.

"Oh," you reply softly, "no, I knew you didn't mean it negatively. Don't worry about that... And I guess you're not wrong so I understand as to why you said such a thing."

Rui smiles at you in a more comfortable manner. "That's good to hear. Oh, do you mind me asking if Tsukasa's ever talked about me? It's a little random, but you seem to be aware of my name so I figured I would ask."

"It's okay, but uhm.. Yeah Tsukasa does. He talks about you and your troupe a lot." You explained to Rui. He softly chuckles in reply.

"Ah, thank you... Oh. Do you mind me asking your name?" Rui asked. You shake your head.

"It's not an issue, don't worry," you say quietly in attempt to reassure Rui, "but.. it's [Y/N]."

Rui smiles at you with that ":3"-like smile again. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, [Y/N]... I believe Tsukasa-kun is waiting on you, so I'll let you go now."

You nod, muttering a soft "thank you" before eventually leaving the classroom.

[✓ ] Irony. | Kamishiro Rui x GN!Reader.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang