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Sal's POV:

I was just minding my own business until I heard dad yelling with fear, I ran out my room while gizmo followed, i saw someone on the floor face first.

Dad backed away and stayed infront of me to try and protect me, the person's skin was ripping off and gray. His clothes were ripped and tattered and his arm was missing, he kept on making these weird clicking noises. Dad dragged me into his room while I grabbed gizmo.

He shoved me into his closet and shut the door, between the cracks i saw him grabbing his weapon and waited by the door, dad quickly striked and chopped his head off, it came off in one strike,I broke open the closet door and ran towards dad while gizmo stayed behind


"I had to do it. Hold on bud my hand is hurting.."
Dad looked at his hand and saw a bite mark.

"D-dad...?" my voice started to become high pitched and wobbly

Dad didn't respond and i knew i had to act fast. I grabbed giz and ran to my room. I packed my stuff, i threw my school stuff out the bag, i made sure to pack what i needed but i made sure to make space for giz but i threw his leash just in case. I shove my pocket knife in my pocket and let giz climb in my bag before running out the apartment door

I head for the elevator and for the basement, everyone was there including a boy with black long hair up to his lower back with a shirt that says SF and black pants, a girl with brown hair wearing a purple shirt and black leggings, I stood in the back trying not to get caught, trying to find another exit. Until I see a woman who looked like the janitor yell out to me

"Sweetheart there's no other exit come with us you'll be safe!" She called out to me

I hesitated before slowly entering the apartment, as I enter I saw a boy with blond hair with a purple sweater and green shorts

"What's your name.?" The woman said to me

"My name is sal but my friends call me sally face.." I said hesitate a bit

"Sally face?" The boy staning next to the girl said

"I guess I didn't have any decent friends, so when they started calling me that I figured that if I own the name then the assholes couldn't use it against me."

"Your pretty complicated, I like you, your pretty cool! My names Larry, her name is ash, and him, he's travis he doesn't talk much but only when it's important"

"Damnit Larry you know I have to go by pastor travis.." he said with an aggressive tone, for some reason I found it hot..wait..what is wrong with me, aren't I supposed to be attracted to girls..? Ugh sal it's not the time to think of that right now!

I felt gizmo jump out my backpack

"Oh crap I'm sorry.." I said from embarrassment, I picked giz up and just carried him

"Dude you have a cat?! Can I pet him?" Larry yelled from excitement

"S-Sure his name is gizmo but i call gim giz or gizzy" I laughed

"Aww he's so cute!" Larry laughed as a put gizmo down and let him walk around, he immediately went to travis and jump on top of him, to my surprise travis let him stay and stroked his ears gently, gizmo purred and smiled

☆-------This is my first part of this so please enjoy^^-----☆

infected...(Salvis)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang