Special Side Story 8

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How the hell am I supposed to fix this?

As I stood there in shock, Briand, noticing Eljuni's distressed expression, hurried out, with me closely following behind.

"Y-Yerena is leaving too!"

Yerena, who had been about to follow suit, halted in her tracks.

With cheeks flushed, the child muttered almost inaudibly, "Thank you for the fortune cookie," before darting away.

The lone Rejuni left behind released a small sigh before trailing after them.

Finally emerging from my stunned state, I watched them depart with tear-filled eyes.

I should have left them to their play, but instead, I intervened and complicated things further.

What a mess.

"I'm sorry, Ciella. I shouldn't have involved myself..."

"No, I should have informed you earlier that the children were fine."

But I didn't, too preoccupied with the sudden realization that they were gone.

All I could see in my mind's eye was Eljuni in tears.

Oh, my dear Eljuni. What can I do? How do I mend a broken-hearted child? I felt like I was losing a part of my soul.


A voice called out from a school window.

It was Didi, accompanied by other children, who spoke up.

Each of them shared something heartfelt.

"Please come visit us again soon!"

"It was fun playing with you today!"

"Yerena, we promise to have even better treats next time!"

"Let's all gather to open the time capsule together!"

In response, I instinctively leaned out the window, peering downward.

Eljuni blinked, a moment of confusion crossing her face. But it swiftly transformed into a broad smile as she responded enthusiastically.

"Of course! I'll definitely be back!"

...Thank goodness for these kind-hearted students.

It was a moment filled with warmth. My dear Eljuni, you've finally found the friends you've longed for.

Eljuni and Yerena boarded the carriage, waving fervently at the students.

The children leaning out the window reciprocated the gesture, bidding them farewell and urging them to return soon.

With that, the school field trip for the four children concluded, a resounding success.


Since that day, there has been a big change in school.

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