Side Story 20

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No, I'm not dead! It was a moment of speechlessness in the face of such a dramatic turn of events.

Rejuni, placing his hand under my nose to confirm my breathing, calmly reassured her.

"Mommy's not dead."


"Yeah. But judging by the way she didn't react when you poked her, I think she's in critical condition. Let's get her to the doctor, Father."

"I don't think that's it..."

"What do you mean you don't think it is? Do you really think we're going to leave her like this?"

He was so earnest that I couldn't muster the strength to get up.

I couldn't even open my eyes.

It was a good thing the light was orange.

Prompted by the urgency of the two juniors, Reynos carefully gathered me up and headed towards the imperial physician who had accompanied him.

On the way, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by Eljuni's distressful screams.

"Mommy is sick, please help her!"

"What? The duke is in critical condition?"

"The Duke?"


"Emergency! Emergency!"

Bells resonated, and lights illuminated every corner.

The imperial physician, who had been peacefully resting, hastily leaped out of his pajamas. After hearing the truth from Reynos, he informed the children that I had been in a critical condition and credited them with saving my life.

"We saved Mommy!"


The two juniors exulted in joy. Reynos and I exchanged sighs, treating it as a lesson learned.


We should have just read them a story.

They say you can't have cold water in front of kids, and it's true. I pledged never to pretend to sleep in front of them again.


Time passed, and the day of birth drew nearer, marked by the increasing frequency of visits from the imperial physician to Lavirins House.

Despite marrying Reynos and assuming the role of crown princess, I had not ascended to the throne.

This was partly due to the Emperor's concern for my peace of mind and partly because of the mischievous nature of the two juniors who always seemed to find trouble if I looked away.

Entering the palace together was impractical, as it would attract attention.

Even if I could return to the future and erase it all, the stress in the meantime would be overwhelming.

However, leaving the two juniors at Lavirins Manor posed its own set of challenges.

So, I stayed in the mansion, and Reynos ventured into the palace. Despite it being an unintentional roll of the dice, I found immense happiness in the arrangement.

In the sunlit garden, the imperial physician examined me with utmost care, treating me as delicately as if handling a feather.

"Your pulse is normal... do you feel unwell anywhere?"

"I'm fine, except that I haven't slept."

My stomach, bloated as if to emphasize their twinhood, made it difficult to move around.

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