Apprehensive Devotion

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"Ahmanet is attached to her like a demon possessing a body for the first time. It will not be an easy task to remove her permanently, you may want to keep Eris bound." Ardeth said, a stressed look on his face. I noticed this as I peered around the corner staying in the shadows so that I wouldn't inform everyone of my presence. I wanted to see everyone's candid reactions to what the Medjai had to say.

"No," Rick said forcefully, Evy gave him a heartbroken look. I knew if the roles were reversed she would have the same reaction as Rick did. Evy started pacing as she thought of potential solutions.

"I don't see another way... The switch can happen in an instant and before you even realize it she will be your enem-" Ardeth started to say before Rick cut him off again. I couldn't decipher the Medjai's expression, he was utterly unreadable.

"I am not going to leave my baby sister tied up somewhere with this bitch in her head. We need to keep an eye on her. I haven't ever abandoned her before and I'm not going to start now." He said, Evy put her hand on Rick's chest to calm him down, pushing Rick backward as he was starting to overreact, his emotions getting in the way. Evy suddenly spun to face Ardeth with a coy smile.

"Is there any way you could be the one to watch her... There is certainly something that you are doing to keep this monster at bay." She asked him politely. He blinked, his eyes flitting towards the corner where I was standing. I knew he could sense me, unlike everyone else that was in the room. Our parents couldn't even keep track of us when they were alive, neither could the orphanage clowns, but a total stranger could. I couldn't help but admit there was some sort of connection between us, I knew that since the moment I tried to kill him. I watched as he dropped his head thinking as he stared at the floor. I found myself waiting for his answer with bated breath, and then he slowly started to nod. When he lifted his head his eyes met mine briefly and my heart leaped.

"How is it that you two are just these magic protectors?" Henderson arrogantly asked breaking the silence that had fallen over the group, pointing to Ardeth and Dr. Bey. I decided now was the time to reveal my position, I removed myself from the wall I was leaning against walking to a chair furthest from everyone. Ardeth walked towards his mentor.

"We are part of an ancient secret society, for over 3,000 years we have guarded the city of the dead. We're sworn at manhood to do any and all in our power to stop the high priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world." Dr. Bey started to explain as he sat down in one of the exhibit's ornate chairs, Ardeth pacing the floor next to him.

"Now because of you, we have failed." Ardeth glared daggers at Henderson and Rick. He finally stopped pacing and planted himself next to the elder man. He watched me carefully, eyebrows furrowed in a perpetual frown.

"And you think this justifies the killing of innocent people?" Evy asked, a scowl on her face questioning the only people who were helping us. I had half a mind to throw something at her from across the room but I stopped my impulse.

"To stop this creature, let me think... YES." Dr. Bey and Ardeth answered strongly, knowing she wouldn't understand anyway.

"Question... Why doesn't he like cats?" Rick slid into the conversation listening intently for the answer. I smirked, he really was curious but it made me wonder if he had learned nothing from our time in Egypt.

"Cats are the guardians of the underworld, he will fear them until he is fully regenerated." Dr. Bey answered his seemingly simple question. Rick nodded looking down, his hair falling into his face.

"And then he will fear nothing..." Ardeth said to the group, annoyed. He made it seem as if we were school children acting up in class.

"Yeah, and you know how he gets himself fully regenerated?" Daniels rhetorically asked.

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