Beckoning Veil

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My transparent scarf fluttered in the wind behind my shoulder, I had wrapped my scarf in a hijab-like fashion as these parts of town were unkind to the women who bore their faces. It wasn't like this in the more evolved parts of Cairo, but I figured it was better safe than sorry. Although, I did not go without protection. My brother had been overprotective and made sure that I knew the intricacies of guns and throwing knives. I carried what I loved, guns. They were an effective means of protection while keeping a nice distance. My favorite piece was an M1911, it's a beautiful black piece with pearl grips. I carried it in the waistband of my pants, concealed by a puffier shirt. Rick had his own 1911 but he was particularly a fan of his Camelot-Delvigne 1873 revolvers. I eyed the door of the last bar on this route. It was around 2 in the morning by the time I got here and the walk back would be grueling taking most likely another hour to do. I pushed the door open slowly, it creaked from the years of use. Carefully I eyed the area, thankfully there were only a few men still in this particular bar. I looked around eyeing the woodwork and silent grandeur of the carving in the framework. Not many would even care to venture into what this establishment was prior to the industrialization of the city. I sighed looking at the backs of the heads of the men on the stools, none of them remotely resembling my brother. I decided my visit was destined to end as I was getting a strange glare from the barkeep. I turned around pulling the old door towards me and leaving the run-down bar. I made sure not to carry any belongings on my outings to find Rick for fear of being robbed or worse... I was growing exhausted from all my late nights trying to find him, my heart wouldn't accept that he had just disappeared without me.

As a child, he refused to leave my side, though, I knew that he had ambitions in his own life. He took me wherever he went, except when he joined the French Foreign Legionnaires. I obviously couldn't join him there, women were outlawed from doing such things. Though I thought that was old thinking. It was exactly why Evy kept being rejected by Bembridge Scholars. The ridiculous ways of the world were bound to change. Perhaps not in our lifetime, however. I realized I had become lost in my thoughts as my feet were moving towards an area I did not know. I was standing outside Cairo Prison, interesting. I lurked in the shadows hearing the cries and yells of the men indentured to servitude here. The warden here I had heard rumors about from my ventures in the seedy establishments. The French Foreign Legionnaires had an arrangement, the warden would take the deserters of the army for a fee of 50 pounds. I shook my head, there was no reason Rick would have wound up here, would there? I slinked around the outside of the prison, not sure what I was doing. I listened to the cries, breathing, and yelling of the prisoners. My graceful legs lead me to a specific area on the other side of the wall that was unknown. There was a small barred window that I could look through, but I did not want to reveal my position to whoever was inside. I looked to the ground to see if there was something I could throw into the cell. My hand only found sand before I could even think about my actions I threw the sand into the window. I knew better than to make a sound as I heard the man inside the cell groan from being awoken.

"Rick?" a whisper slipped from my lips before I could stop myself.

"Eris?" I heard his voice echo from the cell that held him. I knew it was him, I pulled myself up towards the window peeking inside to see his ragged face, his hair was vastly overgrown and his beard matched his cave-like appearance.

"You look awful," I stated.

"It's good to see you too." Rick scoffed rolling his eyes at me.

"I knew I would find you, I've been looking for years," I told him

"How'd you know I was here?" He asked, I thought for a second and realized that I didn't have a great answer for it.

"I honestly have no idea. I just stumbled across this place." I told him, as I noticed a light turn on inside the complex. I ducked down away from the bars.

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