Labyrinth Runners

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Axol: (rejoining them) We can't let Adrian capture anyone else. Willow, can you trap the scouts with your plants?

Willow: (determined) You got it!

(Willow's vines ensnare several scouts. Axol and Amity combine abomination and spell blasts to fight off the rest)

Axol: That's bought us some time, but we need to find the source and stop this illusion!

(He looks at Amity, sharing a determined nod, ready for the next phase of the battle)

In another part of the school, Axol, Hunter, and Gus are also running through the shifting illusion. When it finally steadies, they find themselves somewhere in the streets of Bonesborough. Suddenly, they bump into a wall, which turns out to be one of the lockers, and they fall to the ground.

Hunter: [Groans.] Why are we here?

Axol helps Hunter and Gus to their feet, noticing that one of Gus' eyes is blue.

Axol: Whoa, Gus. Is your eye okay?

Gus rubs his eyes in confusion and looks again.

Gus: My spell, it's still active.

Hunter: [Stands up.] Well, you're a witch... unspell it.

Gus: No, I—I don't know how, I've never made one this big before.

Axol: We should find a teacher, they'll know how to help.

Hunter: [He guides himself through the wall.] Are these real steps or illusion steps?

Axol tries skipping over it, but immediately falls down the stairs, groaning. Gus looks horrified.

Hunter: [Weakly.] Real steps.

Gus: [Walks down the stairs; guiding himself through the wall beside him.] When we first met you were trying to trick me into joining a coven. And now you're helping me stay away from one... 'cause of a.. sandwich?

Hunter: [Walks away.] It was a good sandwich.

Axol: No sandwich is that good. [Follows Hunter, who still refuses to speak.] Come on, if we wanna find a way through this, we need to trust each other. What's going on with you?

The two eventually stop walking. Hunter is about to say something until someone interrupts them.

Coven Scout: Hey! It's the kid!

Upon spotting two Coven Scouts in front of them, Axol immediately summons his weapon and attacks one of the scouts, but gets intercepted when abomination goo, summoned by the other scout, takes his weapon and traps his body in goo. The scout attempts to take the weapon, but it immediately transforms into Flapjack and flies around him, trying to distract him.

Gus: Hunter! [Tries to run towards Hunter but is restrained by the other scout in vines.]

A Coven Scout approaches Hunter but stops upon recognizing him.

Coven Scout 1: Wait, aren't you the Golden Guard?

Coven Scout 2: Seriously? Dude, what the heck? We're on the same side.

Coven Scout 1: Our deepest apologies, sir. [Calls off the abomination goo, freeing Hunter.] The Emperor sent out a search party for you, he's been worried sick.

At the mention of Belos, Hunter immediately flinches, and tries to hide it.

Hunter: [Hesitantly.] You don't say...

Flapjack immediately flies towards Gus and begins chipping his vines. Meanwhile, Gus spots some leftover abomination goo in front of his feet.

Coven Scout 2: I'd be honored to escort you back to the castle, sir. I'm sure the Emperor would be thrilled to know you're okay. Say.. why aren't you in uniform?

Gareth Margrave's Boiling Isles ChroniclesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora