The intruder

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There was a video recording of King.

Luz: And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the king of demon.

Y/n: And it looks like he is full vicious mode right now.

King was trying to tear off a sock off his nose.

Luz: Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock

King then tore the socks into pieces.

King: Where are you now, ducky sock?

Luz: So why'd you call me here again?

Y/n: Yeah because right now it seems that we could have done something so much better with out time right now because right now this is starting to be like a really waste of time.

King: Oh yeah. Human Luz, you've been obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for...

He then rips off a curtain reveal a corkboard of various demons, he then puts on a hat and spins a cord in top of it.

King: demons 101. Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone.

Luz: And cute little paws.

Chot-San then barked in jealously.

Luz: But they are both where compared to you my little cutie.

Y/n: And you, Luz you do have a a weakness for cute ness I see.

Luz: Yeah; I certainly do.

King: Oh and cute little paws. True. We live only to create chaos and misery. Our only weakness are purified water and passive aggressive comments. Sometimes.

Luz: Oh, you guys are sensitive.

King: Even demons have inner demon.

He then tore off one of pictures to reveal a snarling demon.

King: The most powerful demon of all is the snaggleback. He's a-

Luz: Bad boy!

While Luz was recording, a colorful filter appeared over the screen and several stickers as well. Luz then taps on the screen of her phone.

King: Luz, pay attention. This information could save your life one day.

Luz: No, no. I am so paying attention. This is my paying attention face. Mm-Hmm, mm-Hmm, mm-Hmm.

Y/n: That's more like your exciting face.

A lightning crashes outside which was then followed by a thunder rumble. Everyone looked outside.

King: Uh-oh. Looks like it's gonna rain.

Luz:(gasps) I love the rain.

King: Hey, wait.

Luz opens the door.

Luz: I always love feeling the first free drops in my hair.

She then kneels down to talk to a flower.

Luz: I bet you do too, little buddy.

A water from above then drops down onto the flower which causes it to wither and die.

Luz: What?

Y/n: I bet you don't love the rain now.

Eda and Vilador then runs to the house.

Eda: Boiling rain! Everybody inside now!

Eda then grabs her by the arms and drags both of them inside. Object could be heard crashing and clattering.

Gareth Margrave's Boiling Isles ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now