Chapter 59

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Rhagav's pov

It's been a week now. I am really stressed due to what happened back in my birthday party, Shirsha's visit, than suddenly this transfer order out of no where just when I talked about reopening Tiger's case to my senior.

My internal source reports of private detectives says that Tiger's case is actually not over, he is still in touch with the under world, but how and who is giving these informations to him, I couldn't legally investigate this case from Lucknow, and my seniors aren't allowing me to reopen this case also.
The Tiger's interaction with underworld and sudden arrival of Shirsha was very odd to me. Also nobody from higher ministery wanted this Tiger's case to reopen.
So I took advantage of my parent's business connections with ministers and made this transfer of three of us to Delhi, because our transfer was decided but of somewhere else, some distance city in India where Tiger's case has no connection. But Delhi is the base of Tiger's case,so it would be easy for me and Dhruv to carry out private investigation on this.

I know Divya is hurt, upset and what not but I'm trying this time I'm genuinely trying not to piss her off. And trying to be her husband, it's been years that I have tried to ignore the fact that maybe at certain point I had have a soft corner for her, which I didn't want to show because of Shirsha. But now I can't hurt my wife more, not because of some other women who had been a painful memory of life, or maybe she was something more, there was something more that I didn't know about her.

Anyway transfer is done and we are safe and soundly shifted to Delhi, this city has so many memories, the lost childhood, old friends, school and what not.

Divya is obviously pissed and I don't blame her honestly,  after how I have ignored her in the past, I don't expect her to accept me and my present behavior towards her just so quickly.

Today I woke up late than usual but still not very late around 7 am and dad asked me to meet some of his business associates, I didn't saw Divya home today since morning she didn't reply to my messages either so I guess she is mad and at Dhruv's place helping him to settle down.

Also Dhruv knew about this arrangements, he was first person I told everything about my suspicion, Tiger, Shirsha and this transfer. He has been really understanding even though he was md when he got to know about Shirsha, which I don't blame him Divya is his sister and he lover her to the core and if I were at his place I would have been mad too. Anyway he is not helping me to sort my relationship problems but he is not stopping me either even after knowing that his sister is pissed because of me.

So I guess she is at Dhruv's place. In between the meetings also I tried texting and calling Divya but maybe her phone is at silent mode and when I couldn't take it anymore I called Dhruv, because I knew Divya won't came back home tonight,  and I really wanted her to be home I mean...uhh I just don't want an upset wife to think that her man isn't even trying to convince her....or maybe because I love seeing her around.

So I planned a dinner date obviously a double dinner date with Dhruv, Aditi, me and Divya. Cause if I would have asked Divya out she would have definitely rejected I planned it out with Dhruv to bring the ladies to Divya's favorite Dosa corner...

I remember Dhruv telling me this back at times of school when we used to come and eat Dosas there after our tuitions.

I reached home taking a shower and wearing a white shirt and lowers I ran for the dinner cause I was a little late already.
Reaching Dosa corner I parked the car and I could see Divya from out through the glass. I bet she is definitely feeling like a third wheel, kabab mei haadi..
I went in and walked towards the table, Dhruv engulfed me in a man hug and all I could notice was Divya's face, it was very funny at that moment, as if she saw some ghost I hardly could control my laugh and couldn't help but smile, Aditi stood up with a very sweet smile and side hugged me, which I returned.
After that I went to Divya's side, where she was sitting with a slight shocked face and i couldn't held my smile, so lowering myself I plant a kiss by the side of her head patting her cheeks i muttered a "Hi"  and smilingly sat infront of her,beside Dhruv, her face was worth watching infact this time Aditi also couldn't hold her laugh back looking at Divya's face...

"So..all good Rhagav, I hope all unpacking and all is done properly!!??" Aditi asked as an attempt to start a conversation.
"Yep yep all good and nicely done. So how much have you guys unpacked?? Done or still left!!??"
I asked.
"Ha ha almost done, your wife is helping us a lot" Dhruv added and Aditi smiled. I glanced at Divya who was staring at me with confusion.
'I understand your confusion Divya..'

After a lot of conversation and Gossiping amongst ourselves it was almost 11 pm, most of time during dinner Divya was either quiet or was in her own thoughts,  she was just replying when was asked to.
We stood up and spliting the bill and paying it went towards our cars...Divya started walking towards Dhruv's car when I held her wrist in fear as if she will go away. All of them stopped walking and looked back at me. Divya glanced at her hand and then stared at me...

I don't know why but my eyes were moist while speaking, my voice choked.

"Come back Divya" ...


Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you liked it.
That's all for this chapter, I will meet in the next one.

Bye bye..
-Pritihearts 💞💞
Love love ❤️

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