There was an awkward pause before Bryce spoke. "Are you two dating or something?"

"No!" I wanted Bryce to know that I was single, but I didn't mean to yell like that. "I mean, I actually just broke up with someone. He, uh, doesn't like women anymore, I guess."

"Wait," Araceli interjected. "Graham cheated on you with a guy?"

I hadn't told my friends yet, but I had to tell them now. "When I was in the line at Big Red's, I FaceTimed Graham to talk to him about the therapy appointment. He didn't pick up the phone, though, it was some guy that said he was Graham's boyfriend. He had never indicated he was into men."

"Oh, that's something," Araceli stuttered. "I'm sorry."

The remainder of the ride was silent. I don't think anyone knew how to respond to that, and I don't blame them. Even I couldn't respond; that's why I simply hung up and blocked him.

Timmy turned the truck into the Waffle House parking lot and said, "I guess everyone had the same idea. It's packed!"

Fortunately, when we went inside, they had room for us, but we had to split into two groups. Araceli and Timmy sat at the bar with Devi, so I got a table with Mattie, Nick, and Bryce. I tried to get in the booth with Bryce, but Mattie got there first. It's not like I could be mad at her, she had no idea what that dynamic was like. I still couldn't help but feel jealous.

Mattie and Bryce introduced themselves to each other, and, for some reason, I felt this pit in my stomach watching her talk to him. I loved and trusted Mattie, but anyone with eyes could tell that she'd be more likely to captivate Bryce; she was in Tau Nu, ran track, had platinum blonde hair, and always kept herself perfectly tan. I couldn't outrun a turtle if I tried. Being jealous of Mattie made me feel horrible, especially with all of the other things I was feeling, but it was like it wouldn't shut off.

Mattie turned from Bryce to look at us. "Nick, are we still staying at your parents' for our Tybee trip?"

GOU's fall break started right after homecoming, and it was a four-day weekend. We planned on staying at Nick's family's farm and commuting to Tybee Island for a beach trip. It really only cut an hour off of our drive to the beach, but it was somewhere free to stay with plenty of space. Plus, I'll never turn down an opportunity to look at cows!

"Yeah, we'll be in the new barndominium," Nick replied, scanning the menu. "My parents understandably don't want a bunch of college kids in the main house with my little brothers and sisters."

Nick had three brothers and two sisters, and he was the oldest. This was why he always acted like everyone's dad. Don't get me wrong, he was a great friend, and he would do anything for any of us, but there were times where he would get really paranoid and protective.

"What can I get y'all started on today?" Our waitress was a sweet elderly woman with pink hair.

Mattie asked, "do y'all already know what you want to eat?" We all nodded.

I ordered a chocolate chip waffle with pecans, Nick ordered an all-star breakfast, and Mattie ordered a blueberry waffle. Bryce looked disappointed and confused when it was his turn to order.

"I guess I'll just have the omelette," Bryce said with a shrug. "I don't like waffles."

"There's something wrong with you," Nick scoffed, stacking up our menus.

"You act like he violated the Geneva Convention," I replied, shaking my head. "Everyone has different tastes."

The truth is, in my mind, Bryce could do no wrong. So what if he didn't like waffles? Nick was always suspicious of new people, so I think he was looking for an excuse to not like Bryce. I personally wouldn't eat a plain omelette, but different strokes for different folks.

Bryce's phone began to ring, so he picked it up. Before he answered, he let us know it was something for his fraternity, and he walked outside. I figured it would be a few minutes before he came back inside.

While Bryce was gone, I decided to create my first investigation lead. "You remember how I texted the group chat about the secret admirer letter? I wonder if it's Bryce... I know we just met today, but what if he knew I existed before?"

"That would be so cute! Improbable, but he could be a good fit for you," Mattie exclaimed.

Nick was not amused. "You literally just met him today, like you said. How does that make any sense? Besides, he's suspicious."

"You think everyone is suspicious," Mattie chuckled. "Lighten up, you're gonna give yourself gray hair."

I noticed Bryce out the window, and he waved at us before getting into a truck I didn't recognize. "I wonder where he's going?"

Why did he leave? I began to think it might have been because of something I did. Why did we even come here in the first place if he didn't like waffles? Should we have let him pick the place?

"I guess I'll eat the omelette, even though it's plain," Mattie said, poking it with a fork.

"I told you so," Nick said. "You know I'm always right."

"You are so not helping me," I scoffed. "I don't even want my waffle."

I spent the rest of that night wondering if there was still a way I could have a chance with Bryce. I knew it was stupid for me to get invested when he hadn't even expressed interest back, but I couldn't help myself. I was going to prove Nick wrong.


As you can see, Francie is definitely not a perfect character, and that's the point. I want there to be moments where you are like, "what is she doing?" This chapter was definitely one of those. After meeting Bryce, she already thinks he's the one who wrote the letter.

How do we feel about the dynamic between Nick and Bryce? This isn't your typical bad boy story, so their arcs might go in a different direction than you expect.

Do you think Bryce wrote the letter? Is it someone we haven't met yet, or someone else we have met? Let me know in the comments!

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