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It was the time of party. Jin and namjoon came in afternoon and after meeting family and the new family member of kims, Kim Jungkook, they were resting being tired from the flight. Both Jungkook and Taehyung were getting ready for the party. Jungkook was still quiet after there fight. It was not a fight. Just Jungkook scolding his husband. Taehyung was trying his best to seek attention. He even pull the button of his shirt off. But instead of stitching the button, Jungkook simply handover another shirt to Taehyung to wear. Plan failed. But Taehyung again attempted. He went near Jungkook hesitantly, afraid that his husband possibly punch him in anger. But Jungkook just tie the necktie around Taehyung's neck without saying anything.
Right now they both were ready to go downstairs when Taehyung grab Jungkook's hand stopping him from going downstairs

"Are you not going to talk to me" Taehyung said in his famous baby voice which came out only Infront of Jungkook and pull his husband in a back hug.

"I'm talking already" Jungkook said in plain voice

"Please. I'll not do it again" Taehyung tried to convince his stubborn and hot headed husband tightening his arms around his husband's body

"I'm not mad at you but I'm just annoyed why can't you just listen to what I say" Jungkook said with a sigh. He was really annoyed. Annoyed with the situation he was in. Annoyed by the fact that Taehyung took another meaning of his words. Annoyed that Taehyung was sad because of him. Annoyed that Taehyung think himself as the cause of his(kook) pain. But somewhat, in his heart he was annoyed because of laia's presence.

"I'm sorry from now on I'll listen to whatever you'll say. I'll do what ever you'll say. But please talk with me " Taehyung pleaded and kissed Jungkook on his cheek multiple times.
And here melted the great Kim Jungkook.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I overreacted. It's just I don't know what I say in anger." Jungkook said and kiss the elder back on his side of nose as the elder was still hugging him from back.

"Now are we even" questioned Taehyung


"Finally(let out a sigh)now come and give kisses to me my blood was drying from morning. You stone hearted" Taehyung complained sulking and got a giggle and hundreds of kisses from his husband

After there kissing session came to end, they both made there way downstairs where the family was sitting.

"Finally our new couple is here" Jin said as he saw the couple coming, arms linked with each other as they pose for the camera

"We are not a new couple anymore. It's been two months." Jungkook replied eyeing Taehyung who randomly picked sweets from the dish of the waiter passing by.

"You have already eaten enough sweet today" Jungkook said after snatching the sweets from elders grip.

"Mommmm why you marry me to a doctor" Taehyung sulked to his mother who was used to this drama

"Finally you guys are here. What took you so long" said jimin who came with a dish of sweets in his hand, eating while his husband was trying to take some sweets and hide them from Jimin.

"Kissing" Taehyung said unconsciously and picked a sweet from jimin's dish.

Aww's filled the table and after Taehyung realize what he said his ears turn red. Jungkook was standing unfazed. Antiromantic bitch.

Family was sitting talking about the new couple when the young girl, looking like a make up shop approach them.

"Hello" as she said both Taehyung and Jungkook's head snapped at her direction

"Laia" both whispered

"Hi I'm laia" she said introducing herself. Family was confused but after a minute Mrs Kim said

"Ohh you are the girl from the party. Umm let me remember. You are Jungkook's friend. Right" Mrs Kim said remembering the girl from the last party

When Mrs Kim said 'jungkook's friend ' Jungkook made a disgusting face

"Yes and Taehyung's also" she said cutely tucking his hair behind his ear

"Ohh come sit with us. Such a nice girl" Mrs Kim said tapping the space besides her

"I hope I'm not bothering your family time" she said but sat with Mrs Kim

"No dear it's okay" Mrs Kim said

Taehyung and Jungkook were seeing the scene Infront of them. Both know that she was just trying to act nice and be in good books of family. Taehyung was nervous. Who would not be when your girlfriend is sitting on the same table with your family and husband.
And Jungkook, he was burning in jealousy. First, how his mother in law knows about that garbage girl. Second, his mother in law is calling her sweet. Third, why that garbage girl is sitting with his family.

Patience Jungkook patience he reminded himself

"So what were you guys talking about" laia questioned ( bro did you ever heard about privacy. Bitch) (ignore me again😮‍💨)

"Ohh your friends here ( Mrs Kim pointed at Taehyung and Jungkook) they both are really sweet couple. You know they can even separate from each other for one second. They are so in love. My innocent eyes are tired of seeing them making out in hall and kitchen." Mrs Kim kept telling her about the couple not knowing that her ass is burning (me low-key feeling proud after burning her ass with fire🙂)

"Mom we were not making out. We were just hugging" Taehyung tried to cleared himself cause only he know what Storm his mom is calling.

"Ohh they are really sweet" laia said glaring at the couple

"Right. Let me tell you about  them more" and Mrs Kim kept telling her about the couple

Taehyung and Jungkook both were nervously looking at each other

"I'm going to my friend's" Jungkook taking the opportunity ran to his friends leaving a nervous Taehyung behind who seemed to be in betrayal.


You'll need tissue boxes for next chapter


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