1- Yes Sir

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Trauma, past , pain sometime these are the things which lead us to our destiny

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Trauma, past , pain sometime these are the things which lead us to our destiny.
No matter how hard we try we always end up discovering our past with different pain of trauma.

Navya was sleeping peacefully when suddenly her phone rang, jolting her awake. She quickly picked it up, her heart racing. It was none other than her professor from the surgery department.

"Good morning, sir," Navya greeted, trying to steady her voice.

"I think I don't have to mention again and again to you that you need to check your patients even after their vitals come to normal. You even lack basic education. How will you become a surgeon?" Siddharth's voice was sharp, each word cutting through her composure.

Navya shivered internally but managed to respond, "Sorry, sir. I asked an intern to keep an eye on the patient. I'll come right away."

"I hate lame excuses, Dr. Navya. Come fast, or you will be given detention," Siddharth's irritated voice echoed in her mind.

Navya's eyes welled up. She couldn't handle loud, angry voices, especially from someone she respected. And failure in her academics was something she feared the most.

She quickly washed her face, still wearing the scrubs she had fallen asleep in due to exhaustion the previous night. Without wasting a second, she rushed to the hospital, her mind racing with thoughts of how to make amends.

Navya was tense all the way to the hospital, dreading the confrontation with her demanding professor. By the time she arrived, Siddharth had already left for the OT. She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for a temporary reprieve from the 'devil.'

She quickly headed to the ward to check on her patient. Everyone knew Navya, the perfect blend of beauty and brains, an ambivert who went out of her way to help others, often at the expense of her own emotional well-being. She was intelligent and smart but emotionally fragile, thanks to the scars her family had left on her heart. Trust was a foreign concept to her; when her own father had betrayed her, how could she trust the outside world?

Dr. Siddharth was one of the youngest leading general surgeons in North India. Respected and feared, he had built an empire of knowledge that few dared to approach. He had it all: a perfect family, wealth, fame, a fit body, and an imposing attitude. But only his close ones knew the personal battles he fought. He couldn't afford to risk his family's name or his career.

After completing his surgery, Siddharth summoned all the PGs to his cabin. He leaned against his table, arms crossed, casting a deathly glare at his students. His most admired PG, Navya, stood looking down, tears threatening to spill.

In a calm yet heavy voice, Siddharth began, "When I say protocols need to be followed, they must be followed."

He continued, "I don't care about your past achievements. One mistake is all it takes for a patient to remember you for your failures, not your successes, no matter how intelligent you are."

He turned his steely gaze to Navya. "Is it clear, Dr. Navya?" he growled.

Navya flinched but nodded. Siddharth's voice sharpened, "Answer through words while looking into my eyes when I am speaking."

Navya slowly lifted her eyes to meet his intense gaze and replied in a breaking voice, "Yes, sir."


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