Part 6 [2/2]

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"What is your problem Dalton?!" Reina shrugged his arm off her shoulder.
"Well, miss princess. You shouldn't be hanging around people like them. And I saved you, so where is my thank you?" Dalton smirked.
Reina narrowed her eyes at him, she was fuming, "No, you didn't 'save me;' there were no dangers. And I can handle myself. You keep your hands off me."

Dalton scoffed. He wanted to be the ruler of Pixie Hollow, and since Reina's parents were currently in charge; this was the closest way to the crown. "You know what I want, Rei." His words made her stop, "Hand the crown over to me and that winter kid is yours." She didn't want to. She couldn't. Reina didn't have time to make a decision when they saw ash flakes in the air.

Pixie Hollow was on fire.

Horrifying, blood curdling screams filled the air as all fairies flew towards the winter border, which was furthest from the fire. Dalton followed suit. Reina, however, went head first towards the fire; people could be in danger. She was right. Kids were stuck under debris, water fairies were putting out the fire, Reina had a little more time to help everyone get to the border.

"What's going on?" Milori and a few other winter fairies asked.
"There's a fire. It started somewhere in summer, maybe spring?"
"Did you see the princess go towards the fire?"
"Yeah, I heard her parents started the fire." The rumours were spreading but all Milori could think of was his treasure getting singed.

"Uh, and where are you going?" One of Miloris friends, Kiko asked.
"I have to go. I can help." Milori assured.
"No. Did you forget? Winter and fire don't mix. We've all heard the stories about fairies who got too close and got burned. Or worse, broken wings."
"...I know. But Reina's out there. I have to help her." Milori gathered all the pixie dust he had left and booked it towards the fire.

The king of winter wasn't happy with that, but he now had to keep the warm season fairies under control as well.


"Reina!? Reina!?" Milori shouted. He ran into a few fairies on the way, each more scared than the last. Luckily, none were majorly hurt.
"Your Highness, the fire is only spreading, it's getting too dangerous." A water fairy stressed.
"Let me help." Milori panted. He was sweating but eager to lend a hand.
"Milori! You can't, you have to go back!" Reina cupped his cheeks.
"No. Not while your home is struggling." Milori kissed her hand and dove head first into the fire.

He quickly located the source with all the smoke and ash. Dalton saw Reina huddled between her parents. He went to console her, but Rei's dad could see right through him. Dalton stayed back and "helped" the other fairies.

//don't ask how but milori put out the fire with the help of the water fairies//

Luckily the fire died down and the water fairies dragged Milori out from the fire. "Milori! Clarissa!" Reina shouted. Clarissa was the only person Reina confided in, she even talked to her about Milori. Clarissa was her best friend. She was coincidentally a water fairy and was one of the ones helping put out the fire. "Reina! We have to get him back!" Clarissa shouted, struggling to hold him up by herself.

The two of them flew as fast as they could to the border, Reina's parents and all the other fairies followed behind. Reina practically shoved Milori into the snow, she knew that it could help his wings, if they weren't too late. Some of the water fairies had minor injuries, none as severe as Milori. His friend Kiko rushed towards them, "Let me see, I can help." His medical knowledge was coming in clutch.

Reina hesitantly trusted him. Kiko turned Milori over, he gasped, "...I'm sorry." Reina knew it was too late. She knew it wasn't her fault, but... wait. That's right. It wasn't her fault.

Reina slapped Dalton across his face, hard. "You are a lying, slimy, prickly, shit! Why would you do that! I know you started that fire! You knew my parents were over there!" She grabbed his clothes, throwing him around like a rag doll. The collective gasp was enough for the King of winter to step in, "Miss, I understand your emotions, but it was Milori's choice. He wanted to save you." The King's hand on her shoulder started her waterworks.

Kiko helped Milori stand, Clarissa pulled Reina out to the side. "Rei, calm down. You're the princess. Milori's alright. He might be down a wing, but he still adores you." She gestured to the boys standing at the border.

"Was I cooler than him?" Milori coughed.
"No shit." Clarissa chuckled.
The laughter died down as Reina fully processed the condition of Milori's wings. His left one still intact, but the right one... He now had one and a half wings. The edges of his left wing were slightly singed but that could be healed over time.

Reina's parents had a private discussion with the King of winter. How were they going to solve this mess? The winter fairies blamed Dalton for Milori's wing (which they should,) and the warm season fairies didn't have a home.

"...What's on your mind Rei?" Milori asked.
"There's only one way to fix this. Rebuilding the border to spring and summer, and... and forbidding anyone to cross the winter border again." She had the look of a Queen already.
"If.. If you do that, here. Milori found it but has been too scared to give it to you." Kiko handed over an amber gemstone.
"Then I guess you should have this. Rei found a piece of aquamarine and made these charms." Clarissa handed over the charms.

Later on, those charms would be at the end of Milori's feather cape, and the gemstone would be embedded into Queen Clarion's crown.

Reina flew above all other fairies and announced she was going to implement the rule she came up with. Her parents, the King of winter, and Milori all agreed on this rule. And so, all warm season fairies returned to the burnt land, determined to build their home from the ground up.

Dalton was banished from Pixie Hollow. Clarissa followed him out in the night and ripped his wings off. That fucker deserves all the karma he can get.

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