Part 1

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Everyone in Pixie Hollow knew Tinker Bell and her passion for tinkering, but she felt no one truly understood her. She went on many adventures, some dangerous; well most were dangerous, but some were insightful. She never would have known life outside of Pixie Hollow if she didn't tinker with things.

She has visited many places and made many friends, yet something felt missing. Like she was half of a whole.

"Tinker Bell, you know I'm only looking out for you. This time, please just stay in Pixie Hollow." Queen Clarion begged. She had been trying to coax the young fairy not to visit the winter woods.
"But Queen Clarion! Somethings telling me I have to explore there, it-it's like someone's pulling me there!" Tinker Bell tried to reason, "A-And! If we're making snowflake baskets for the winter fairies, why can't we visit them!?"

Queen Clarion thought hard about what to do, she knew the dangers of the winter woods; but she also knew how far Tinker Bells curiosity could take her. "I'm sorry Tinker Bell, but no one is to go beyond the border. Ever." Queen Clarion ordered, her voice making Tinker Bell reel in fear.
"...understood." She replied in a small voice, hurrying away.


Tinker Bell watched as the snowy owls collected the baskets, and watched them fly back to winter with ultimate curiosity. She had never seen Queen Clarion so mad, and she can act like a bull in a china shop sometimes. Yet Tinker Bell kept thinking about why Queen Clarion was concealing her trembling hands, why her posture was so stiff, why were the winter woods were so bad?

"Hey, Tink! What'cha up to?" Terence asked taking a seat next to her.
"Hey Terence. Why aren't you over with the other dust keepers?" She sighed.
"They gave me a break. What's on your mind?"
"Queen Clarion. I don't understand why we can't go over the winter woods! It's unfair, especially since someone's pulling me there." Tinker Bell muttered the last part but Terence chuckled at her pout.
"Well for one; we'd freeze. But since we can't go over the border... Why don't you look from the border! Y'know, like see if anything's there and if not, then... then at least you'll know."
"Hey, that's a great idea! Thanks Terence!" She smiled before getting up to put some kind plan into motion.
"Wait! Be safe, okay?" He grabbed her arm before she could get away. "I promise." She squeezed his hand reassuringly.


Queen Clarion started flying around, watching over her people to clear her head. She may have been hard on Tinker Bell, but it was for good reason. It's an unpleasant memory to think about for Queen Clarion. The guilt still haunts her from a far.

As she was floating around, she saw Tinker Bell helping out the animal fairies by rounding up the animals, except this wasn't her calling so she wasn't the best at it.

'...She's gonna go anyway, might as well set some boundaries.' Queen Clarion saw Terence and Tink talking, and figured he had encouraged her to follow the call of the winter woods. That's just how those two were. "Tinker Bell, may I have a word with you?" She asked, gracefully landing near the young tinker.

"..Sure. What can I help you with?" Tinker Bell responds, but Queen Clarion flew out of earshot and dragged Tink with her.
"Against my better judgement, I know you're going to go follow that pull of the winter woods, so I'll allow it. However!" She had to put her hand out to keep Tink quiet, "There are some rules you have to follow. If you can do that then you may cross the border."

Tinker Bell waited eagerly for the rules, "Number one: be discreet. No one must know you are intentionally going over the border. Number two: do not travel more than a few feet from the border, it gets dangerous very quickly. Number three: you have to stay dressed the way you are, follow the animal fairies and if Fawn or anybody pulls you out, you stay out."
"Understood! Loud and clear Your Highness! Thank you!!" Tinker Bell wrote down what to follow. Before she could leave, Queen Clarion had one last thing to say, "Tinker Bell, do be careful. And.. don't tell anyone." Tinker Bell nods eagerly.

Queen Clarion had that look on her face again, the look of worry? guilt? Something, and it tugged at the back of Tinker Bells mind.

"What was that about?" Fawn asked while herding some marmots*. "..Uh, j-just a warning not to cause you guys any trouble, haha." Tink awkwardly laughed, moving the subject along by helping herd the marmots.


Tinker Bell tried to find the right moment to explore the winter woods, but Fawn had her under lock and key. The animal fairies were helping the animals get their winter coats, but Fawn was struggling with a sleeping marmot. The other animal fairies went to help her. Tinkerbell knew this would be her only chance, so she flew directly into the winter woods.

She gazed at the white landscape, each snowflake delicately swaying in the wind. That's when Tinker Bell felt that pull again, this time more intense than ever. It made her wings tingle. She looked at them and saw them sparkling, shimmering a hue of purple, pink and blue. Her enchantment ended when Fawn dragged her out of the white wonderland and touched her wings.

"Tink! You're ice cold! What were you thinking?! We need to get to warmed up, fast." Fawn stressed. Thankfully all animals had migrated to the winter woods, so she flew as fast as possible to get Tinker Bell warm as soon as she could.

On the way to Pixie Hollow, Tinker Bell blocked out Fawns rambling and focused back on that feeling she had. The way her wings sparkled was something she had never seen before, and the feeling was incredible. There was something in winter that needed her.

*marmots are large ground squirrels (or a rodent)

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