Part 6 [1/2]

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"So, what now?" Fairy Mary asked.
"We set up system. One that can safely let the fairies of the warm seasons experience the winter." Queen Clarion announced confidently.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Fairy Mary curiously asked. Queen Clarion smiled at the winter fairies, they were going to play a key role in this plan.

Now, at the border there was a way for all fairies to mingle. A window system. Sat behind the window was a reception fairy, and a little bug who buzzed when pressed like a button. The fairy behind the window would then right your name down and send you over the border. This was where the winter fairies came in. Two fairies rotated in shifts, but it was usually Spike and Gliss. They would cover a warm fairies wings in frost. This way they could still fly while being protected from the cold.

"Ohhh, I d-don't know if I can do this." Fairy Mary backed away from the border anxiously.
"C'mon Fairy Mary. It's just snow." Bobble said, a little annoyed.
"Bobble, she's trying." Clank tried to reason. Bobble rolled his eyes.
Fairy Mary braved her fears, pressed the buzzing bug and crossed the border. Gliss and Spike coated her wings in their frost. "Oh, that feels good." Fairy Mary sighed. The two winter fairies giggled.

Bobble and Clank were more than happy to go next. Gliss and Spike usually took this job because it meant they could talk to each other when no fairies were crossing, and they became quite good friends with the receptionist fairy. Even helping her find out she wanted to remain single and that was okay. They became quite popular amongst fairies who wanted to explore beyond the heterosexual normative.


Tinker Bell worked hard to make her friends some clothes that were comfortable, stylish, and could keep them warm. Rosetta was checking herself out in an ice reflection when Sled came up to her. "Hey, I'm Sled. Nice to meet you."
"Oh my flowers, that's perfect! I-I mean, I'm Rosetta." She felt her knees go weak.
"What a beautiful name for a gorgeous fairy. May I show you around?" He blushed. Rosetta's legs became jelly but she let Sled pull her around anyway. He found her actions fairly cute.

Some other faires took over for Gliss and Spike, so their wings wouldn't get to warm. When they saw Sled and Rosetta getting along rather quickly, they couldn't help but have a snowball fight with them. It was their way of teasing Sled.

Tinker Bell watched as the rest of her friends got used to the cold. Fawn found some bunnies she helped get their winter coat, Iridessa was enjoying ice skating, Silvermist saw a cute winter fairy and was heavily "encouraged" by Vidia to go talk to her. Turns out the winter fairy had a girlfriend, but she was super sweet about it and was willing to be friends with the water fairy anyway.

Vidia got hit by a snowball thrown by Gliss, "Come on, Vidia! Don't be such a downer! I bet you couldn't hit us anyway." Rosetta covered for her. That got Vidia riled up and she started launching snowballs at the four.

"Well, I'd say that was pretty successful, wouldn't you?"
"Terence!" Tinker Bell hugged him tightly. "I didn't think you'd come." She stressed.
"I wasn't." He looked to her wings worriedly. "But then I thought about all the fun you couldn't have without me here. And plus, you've got a sister now. Don't you think you should introduce her to your best friend?" Tinker Bells eyes sparkled, she forgot about that.

Dragging Periwinkle over she introduced the two. "Terence, this is Periwinkle. My sister. Peri this is Terence-" "-Wait! You're Terence?! I've heard so much about you!" Periwinkle excitedly shook his hands. Tinker Bell forgot she poured her heart out to Peri the day she met her. Tink became very red and Terence chuckled. "Well, I hope you've only heard good things."
"Oh you wouldn't believe what Tink has said!" Periwinkle teased her sister. Tinker Bell had to intervene and the other two couldn't help but tease her even more.


"Is this what you expected?" Milori asked. Him and Clarion were riding on the back of his owl, but stopped on a cliff that overlooked all the fairies mingling and having a good time.
"It's not, it's more. I just wish it could've been sooner." She leaned on his shoulder.
"I do too. I often think back and realise how irresponsible we were." The two chuckled. A weird silence filled the air afterwards.

"...Did you.. ever regret falling in love with me?" Clarion leaned back so she could look into Milori's eyes. She believed eyes were the window to the soul, and Milori wasn't a very good liar. His eyes were wide at first, then they softened as he chuckled.
"Not once. Loving you was the best thing I could wish for. You saw the good in everything. You would always find a way to make things better."

"..Sometimes when I look at Tinker Bell and Terence, I think of what we could've been." Her eyes drifted off to the pair, "What if I were a winter fairy? What if you were a warm season fairy? So many 'what ifs' have come to mind over the years. But I realised," She turned back to face him, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Clarion assured Milori with a kiss.

"I also think about the 'what ifs.' But that day comes to mind more than I'd like." The day Milori is talking about is the one when he broke his wing. They told the sisters why the border rules are in play, and why his wing is broken; but they never told the girls how his wing broke.


Milori and Clarion walked the border of the warm seasons, some time when the wind was still cold. They were having a chat, walking and holding hands when someone pushed Milori into the river that connected to winter.

"Milori!" Clarion panicked. Fairies can't fly if their wings are wet, (because the water drains out all the pixie dust.) Luckily the water wasn't deep so he wasn't drowning. "Are you crazy, Dalton?! Why would you do that?!" Clarion shouted. Dalton is a few years older than the two of them, and is crazy about Clarion.

"Rei, don't. Just forgot it." Milori jumped out of the water. Back then, Queen Clairon was known as 'Reina'* or 'Rei' (pronounced ray) to her closest friends.
"Boo hoo. Big bad winter guy can't handle the cold?" Dalton mocked.
Milori walked back to the bridge for winter, considering he couldn't fly. "Milori! Hang on! Here." Reina sprinkled some of her pixie dust on his wings, they already started drooping.

Dalton wasn't going to let this slide. He used his fast flying abilities to knock Milori out of the sky. The two boys wrestled, Milori's back scraping against some ice.

"Enough!" Reina shouted, "Dalton get off of him! I'll go with you if you leave him alone."
Dalton smirked wickedly at Milori, "Alright, Rei. As you wish."
She didn't like that he called her Rei, only Milori and her parents called her that. She sucked it up for her true love though.

Milori watched from winter as Reina walked away with that bastard, Dalton.

* i got the Reina information from this website
basically 'reina' is the spanish word for queen (this is what the article said sorry if it's wrong!!) and 'clarion' means the loud and clear sound of a trumpet

i'm not sure why she changed name, let me know your theories :)

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