Mar ☆ 11

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1 month later

During these last 30ish days Beomgyu went to work every other day, same for the training camp and he had free private superpower lessons with Taehyun every two days.

The two of them really got closer and in all honesty Beomgyu would be willing to call Taehyun a best friend, the latter basically knows everything about him. The lundevil's personality hasn't changed much though, still a blunt guy who looks pissed off 24/7 but Beomgyu got so used to it that it doesn't faze him anymore.

Beomgyu momentarily gave up on making Taehyun gyeran bap in the morning since the last time traumatised him. When it comes to dinner, they tend to order food despite it getting expensive for Beomgyu.

He also went on many dates, some went better than others but no one stuck around.

Beomgyu has so many attractive men's numbers on his phone and he feels so giggly about it. Without Taehyun none of this would've been possible so he always treats the younger to something as a thanks.

As for the situation with Seokwoo, it was a bit awkward at first but they gradually started acting like nothing ever happened between them so it was good. Something else that's big happened between Beomgyu and another M.T. member from his team though.



"Wait what? Beomgyu has a boyfriend?"

Taehyun went to Yeonjun's house to deliver that oh so important newfound information. Truth is Beomgyu had asked his contract partner to do this, he absolutely wanted Yeonjun to know but he didn't want to tell him directly.

"It's not that official yet but yes." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun proceeded to ask a bunch of questions. "Did you really come here just to say that?! But since when? Why didn't he tell me? Can you believe he didn't tell me first?! And you mean to say the boyfriend isn't you?!!"

Understandably, unlike the previous questions, Taehyun has more than one or two words in store for the last question. "Sorry, but what? Why would I be?"

"I don't know it's just that I feel like you're always together...? To be honest I talked with Soob about you guys and we think you look cute together."

"Me and him..?" Taehyun could hear his brain frying at the mere thought of that. "Never had that on my vision board."

"Hoh are you sure...Have you never had thoughts of y'all having a romance? You never wondered if you wanted it?"

Taehyun just frowned at him.

"Never?" The older asked again.

"Maybe not never...." Taehyun looked away.


"Are you and Soobin dating?" The change of subject came up so hard that Yeonjun got physically affected like a whiplash.

The older's lips pressed into a thin line simultaneously asking himself where the heck that question came from and wondering certain things how Taehyun feels towards Beomgyu.

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