Dohyun Loved His Siblings, Really

Start from the beginning

"Mind your own business Jaehyuk." He sneers, before walking away from the prince and said alpha, towards teacher Chan who begins scolding him for his tardiness. Dohyun watches Chan pull the boy by his collar, pairing him with Hyunjun to duel. Dohyun winced slightly. Geonhee wouldn't bother him for a week after a duel with his brother.

"Your highness, are you alright? I'm so sorry for intruding, you looked a little uncomfortable." Jaehyuk breaks the silence, and Dohyun looks up at his savior. Jaehyuk looked nervous, unable to look at the prince for more than a few minutes. The prince smiled warmly, nodding his head. He gets up from his seat on the grass and dusts his trousers.

"I'm okay. Thank you for helping me." Dohyun replies politely, and Jaehyuk smiles back, his cheeks dusted a faint pink as he rubbed his nape.

"Geonhee can be like that sometimes...I'm sure he doesn't mean harm but...well..." Jaehyuk tries to defend his classmate, but fails terribly as his expression betrays him. Dohyun laughs, and Jaehyuk perks up at the sound. The prince raises his hand to hide his grin, his eyes shaped into crescents. Jaehyuk looked absolutely awed, eyes wide as he stared at the prince. Realizing he was staring, he once again averted his eyes, his ears burning red.

"You're really nice for helping out like that. You didn't have to." Dohyun instead decides to say, making Jaehyuk go even redder. He coughed awkwardly, trying to compose himself. It looked adorable to Dohyun, how this tall and handsome alpha, someone he assumed would be cold and indifferent judging by his looks alone, was flustered so much by a thank you.

"Uhm, yeah, you're welcome-"

"Dohyun!" A familiar voice calls out, and Dohyun groans, watching as his sister comes running to him. Hyunmi reaches a hand around his shoulder, and Dohyun rolls his eyes at her obvious display of...whatever it was she was trying to show.

"Jaehyuk, right? What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your class?" Hyunmi asks, her eyes narrowing at the alpha. She looks cold, and Jaehyuk notices quickly. He steps back, creating some distance between the prince and princess.

"Yes, your highness, I should. The prince was just having some difficulties so I decided to help out. I'll take my leave now, sorry." Jaehyuk says, bowing his head towards the two and turning around to leave. Dohyun turns his head to glare at his sister, who shrugs at him and then notices the obvious hurt on his face. She looks at him questioningly, as Dohyun pushes her arm off and walks to Jaehyuk, grabbing his wrist. Jaehyuk startles, turning to face the prince, Dohyun's hand still around the other alpha's wrist.

"I'm sorry for my sister's rudeness. She didn't mean to hurt you." Dohyun says quietly, and Jaehyuk blinks, still as a statue, his eyes fixed on Dohyun's hand on his own. Dohyun notices, blushing as he removes his hand and awkwardly stands around waiting for a reply.

"I don't mind, it's fine." Jaehyuk replies just as quietly, and a few shouts from his classmates get his attention. It seems they're going to leave for their next class.

"Let's be friends then?" Dohyun asks quick, before Jaehyuk leaves. The alpha looks slightly shocked at the idea, swallowing thickly. He looked at the princess waiting behind Dohyun, who was looked annoyed at the two of them. She wouldn't like them being friends much, Jaehyuk deduced.

But the prince was asking...he couldn't refuse.

"O-Okay, your highness. Let's be friends." Jaehyuk stammered, bowing his head once again before running off at his annoyed classmates' shouts. Dohyun smiles to himself as his new friend runs away, his entire face feeling hot. Hyunmi grumbles behind him, glaring at Jaehyuk.

"Really, Jaehyuk?" Hyunmi asks, causing her brother to look at her with frustration.

"Hyunmi, I appreciate your help, I do, but can't I make friends?" Dohyun asks her, and Hyunmi furrows her eyebrows, frowning at her brother.

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