Chapter 21: Intercepting the Redguns

Start from the beginning

"Give the LIGER TAIL some cover!" shouted another.

Another war cry erupted from a third member's mouth. Raven quickly engaged his laser blade and took out a few groups as he looked over his shoulder, seeing a few others.

"Time to finish the job, 621." Walter ordered, "Don't let them overwhelm you. Shake off the pressure."

And with that, Raven was able to stagger LIGER TAIL and then assault boosted right form him.

"Those of you who withdrew, keep your lousy asses low!" Michigan commanded, "You're gonna need more training.... Put that in your diaries!"

Raven then engaged his assault armor and then created a massive electrical explosion. He was almost there. Just needed some more and Michigan will be staggered once again.

"Sir...!" a guy pitied, "I'm a useless maggot, sir!"

"If it isn't Osawe, our resident mathematician!" said Michigan, "Go multiply your rifle training and see if you can learn to do something useful!"

Raven heard the COM system warn him that his left shoulder ammunition was now currently at like 30%. LIGER TAIL fired a few missiles while OBSIDIAN WING simply dodged them with a few quickboosts. He then fired off a few bazooka blasts, then hearing that his right hand ammunition was now down to 50%.

Michigan then unleashed his own assault armor, Raven barely dodged it, feeling a few sparks crackle against his AC. He then assaulted boosted up towards him and boost kicked him, staggering him, giving the mercenary enough time to use his laser blade at full charge, causing a few large gashes on the AC's stomach and leg.

"How can one merc do this alone?!" a Balam MT pilot panicked.

"Guess HQ needs your help with the math, Osawa!" said Michagan.

"Fifth wave!" Ayre warned once again, "They're surging us!"

OBSIDIAN WING threw a few more missiles at Michigan, staggering LIGER TAIL. Raven took advantage of the stunning and slashed at the others with his charged up laser blade and shot Michigan with a missile, landing a direct hit on one of the legs, shooting off one of the four feet.

"AP at 50%." the COM system warned.

Raven took advantage of time and burned one of his repair kits. He saw a few more missiles coming his way.

He quickboosted right past the small opening, causing them to crash into one another, he then assault boost-kicked Michigan down, staggering him once again. He then used a single swing to finally slice straight through LIGER TAIL's legs, cutting all four of them off, and then through the chest.

"Maggots! Do you read me?" he grunted in question, "You can tell this to posterity: Mean old Michigan died of a bad fall!"

Ayre looked over to Raven, who acknowledged her stare and she quickly hacked into Michigan's AC's ejector and initiated it, causing him to escape. Whether he'll live or not, they didn't know. But, at least they at least tried.

"AC, LIGER TAIL destroyed," she informed Raven, "G1 Michigan down. Mission accomplished."

"...It's over." Walter sighed, "Good holding out, 621. Our work here is done."


Raven wiped the sweat from his forehead once he felt the familiar jolt down of his AC being loaded onto the hangar. Walter's voice then came right back in.

"Didn't think I'd see the end of the Redguns..." he said, "...You did your job, 621. Michigan knw the score. Balam's withdrawn from Rubicon. The politicians will be fighting their war now. Where there's Coral, there's blood. That's how it's always been, 621."

The call ended and Raven saw his vision start to turn crimson red on the outlines.

"Raven..." said Ayre slowly, "Are we... doomed to spark conflict wherever we go?"

<<I don't know. I'm a mercenary. I could easily just switch sides. It doesn't exactly take too much effort.>>

"Hmm... well, I just hope that you're... still with me..."

<<I am, Ayre. That is a promise.>>

Ayre smiled and then brought him into an embrace.


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