A rebellion built on hope

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Perhaps your relationship with Kugisaki has gradually become closer. It was your first time ever, having an actual girl friend. Sure, she's a little bit bossy and quite arrogant (but who isn't) but she was surprisingly nice to you.

"Alright class, today ill be explaining to you about grades,"

You glanced to Kugisaki and she was reapplying lip balm on her lips, with her other hand holding a pocket mirror. Fushiguro and Itadori on the other hand were paying their full attention to your teacher.

"So, there's 5 types of grades for both sorcerers and cursed spirit. Fourth grade, Third grade, Second grade, First grade and the strongest one is the special grade. Sorcerers are typically assigned to missions involving curses of the same level which means, we wont send you out on a mission against a curse spirit that is 1 grade stronger than you," Gojo explains.

"oh i see," Itadori is lying. he doesn't see it. "so what grade level am i then?" he raises his hand as he ask this question.

"Well, since You, Nobara and (y/n) are new, we don't really have an updated data to label you yet, so you're all starting from the bottom," Gojo then starts drawing on the blackboard a graph table labelling grades with a white chalk. He's drawing himself on the special grade section.

"for example, me your super strong teacher is a special grade level. Im just strong like that," he then flex his arm and earns clapping from Itadori. so simple minded.

"And Megumi, he's around second Grade," he drew a face with a spiky hair and a silly face on the second grade section.

"Wow, you're pretty strong Fushiguro-kun," The new honorific that you suddenly added into his name did not went passed his ears. He sat infront of you so you intended for him to hear it anyway. Something about getting under his skin tickle your funny bone.

"Can i just entrust you with my life if we go on missions together?" He did this dramatically slow turn with his eyebrows pinched together "N.O"

"He doesn't even look strong." your female classmate muttered loud enough for you to hear "You know that i can hear you right?" He turned towards Kugisaki with mild annoyance.

"bluegh," She sticks her tongue out at him like a child.

"Don't worry Sensei, i'll climb the stairs soon and become a special grade in no time," Itadori pointed his thumb on his chest. He's serious about this whole thing but isn't he considered a special grade anyway? He swallowed a special cursed object, thats an equivalent to a special grade power.

But if we follow the same logic then you would be a special grade too no? You're not sure so you shrug. Yoru's ability is not even that strong. An ability to resurrect the dead would be much more OP.

"That's literally fucking rude, i heard that." No one can see her But Yoru was sitting next to Fushiguro (since that table is empty). "You dare call my ability weak, little girl?" Yoru levels you with the nastiest glare she can muster and you almost shit your pants.

"You really are stupid and dumb like— you don't know how strong it is to hold such power as this."

You're sorry and she's right, you know nothing about fighting or abilities or Yoru's power, infact you never really understand how it works and it's not like Yoru provide a free class for you.

"If you want to understand me better, how about you start reading books containing the topic of wars that exist throughout history. Perhaps, you would finally get the gist of it."

"im not dumb i know history," You couldn't hold back anymore and accidentally spoke to Yoru in real time.

"Alright, That's all you need to know about grades! that's all for todays class— ah im so hungry, gotta go grab some lunch now, see ya" And you just realised you didn't hear the rest of Gojo's explanation because you were busy conflicting with Yoru. Crap, you can't ask Itadori because he look as lost and Fushiguro will huff and puff in annoyance. Is Kugisaki even in this class? she's not on her seat anymore.

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