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They all proceeded to walk out of the agency building. They decided to take two cars since they all couldn't fit into one. As they decided who got into which car, they drove off towards their destination.

As they agency members pulled up to the spot, they each stepped out of the car one by one. when they were all out of the car, everyone began to have a shocked face (-Dazai, Ranpo, and Kyouka) as they saw the building ahead of them. The sun hung low in the dim blue sky, casting a feeble glow upon the dilapidated (in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect) structure that stood before them. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, as though the very walls of the building whispered secrets to anyone who dared approach... That wasn't even the worst of it, their was cobwebs that clung to the corners of the doors and were spun by tiny black spiders. Chills were sent down the majority of the agency's spines. "Well, time to head in!" Ranpo said with a sense of humor due to the agency's reaction to the building. Dazai and Kyouka snickered at the sight of their employees being so flabbergasted.

They then proceeded to enter the building it wasn't as bad as the outside, but it wasn't so great either... As they traveled through the very inconveniently long hallway, they met up with a door. Kunikida then grabbed the rusted door handle as he proceeded to open the door. He met with his president's eyes. It seems that the president is the only one there for now. "Hello, you all," said the president/Fukuzawa as he began to stand to greet his fellow employees. The agency members bowed in respect. "If you don't mind me asking president, why hasn't the port mafia arrived yet?" Kunikida asked ever so politely. "Mori has informed me that he and his people will be coming late, so please take a seat." Said Fukuzawa.

As they walked towards their seats, they recognized name tags, meaning they couldn't sit where they wanted to. But Ranpo, being the manchild he is, swapped his tag with another one so he could sit next to Dazai to discuss everything with him, although Dazai didn't really care about it, but was felt weird while thinking about seeing the port mafia again and not being on their side or representing them. The ADA members began to chat and socialize with one another until the port mafia showed up.

Out of respect, the agency and mafia members both bowed in a sign of peace as they began to sit down, an awkward silence lingered in the room for a little while. It was even more awkward for Dazai due to some mafia members glaring at him (mostly chuuya) as if he had murdered their whole bloodline. The silence lingered for another 2 minutes before mori spoke up, "I must say it's wonderful to have you all here especially for this very important peace agreement that's going to be constructed from the meeting. " He then began to smirk so sadistically that it made a shiver go down a few spines. "Yes, I agree, especially speaking on how our shared enemy (the guild) attacks are getting more frequent to point where the issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible. And just like that the tension slowly was risen as both bosses began taking over the meeting and talking about the how to resolve the problem, that's when Ranpo and Dazai chimed in and started to discuss their plans and ideas.

"For this plan to work we decided it would be best to break off into small groups, so we have an advantage of getting more work done that way." Ranpo explained.

"We also came to the conclusion that the best way to pick the groups was to analyze everyone's strengths and compatibility in order to figure who works best with who, we did manage to get our results and have figured out who will be best paired together". Dazai said. He tried his best to sound well and ignore the pain in his body and acted like everything was fine. I mean if he could pretend to be a decent person he could pretend to be ok right?

Then then started listing teams and their assignments. (sorry if I messed up their names!) A couple teams were Aktugawa/Atsushi, kunikida/Tachihara, Kenji/Kyouka/Gin, Dazai/Chuuya/Mori, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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