She glanced back over to the younger woman when she heard another creak of a drawer, seeing her digging around in one of her stands, noticing her tension seeming to leave when she found what she was looking for.

"What's that?" Alma asked her gently. Esmé smiled walking over to show her.

She handed over the small box with the pair of earrings Alma had got her so many years ago. Thankfully they were in decent condition despite the damage in her past loop.

"Did you keep all the gifts I got you?" Alma asked with a smile.

"I couldn't bring myself to part with any of it. It would've felt like I was also getting rid of you at the same time."

Alma went to say something when Esmé continued searching the room in case she found anything else of value.

Esmé grinned as she pulled out a small photo album. "I kept some photos of our time at the academy." She said with a smile, opening it. "It's mostly just you."

"And how did you get so many of me?" Alma says with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile.

"Remember towards the end of the year when we would stay up late in the darkroom printing out photos we took?" Esmé says.

"I didn't realize you had so many of me. Is that me sleeping?" Alma asked, surprised.

"You fell asleep with your head on my lap! I had to!"

Alma chuckled when suddenly they both jumped, hearing something fall in one of the other rooms. Esmé looked over and seen a stray cat bounding down the hallway, seeing them and bolting back outside. The younger woman decided to walk around the home despite her growing nerves from being there.

Alma peeked into what seemed to be one of the boy's rooms. It was much more furnished than Esmé's. Alma stepped in and walked towards the bed. "Esmé, come here!" She called, when she saw the three kittens on the bed.

Esmé walked in confused before letting out a gasp, racing over with a grin.

"Oh aren't you all so cute!" She gushes, about to kneel down when Alma stopped her.

"There's a nail sticking out of the floor." She comments, Esmé noticing it. As the younger woman busied herself with the kittens, Alma glanced over at the dark maroon spots on the bed.

Alma decided not to mention it. "That stray was probably their mother." She said to the younger woman.

"Can we keep all of them?" Esmé asked excitedly.

"Darling, I don't think we have enough room." Alma says softly, watching the woman pick up each one, the kittens leaning against her touch.

"Pleaseeee?" Esmé asked with a small pout. "It's just four more cats."

"Four?" Alma asked with a slight confusion.

"Well we'd have to bring the mom with her babies!"

"Dear, I don't think we can fit more, especially if Isabel and our mentors decide to stay." Alma says softly, wanting to sit down but stopped short when she remembered the red stain on the bed. Esmé noticed her hesitation and grew quiet.

"Sorry." Esmé muttered, setting the kittens back down and standing up, moving around Alma to leave the room. The kittens meowed loudly and Alma looked back at Esmé, worried.


"Can we go? I got everything I need." She says, wanting to go home as she looked around and seen the marks over the home.

Alma took another look at the kittens and sighed. "Love?"


"We can take them and find them a home, but we can't keep them. Does that sound okay?" Alma said gently.

"I just want to get out of here." Esmé says quietly, heading downstairs.

Alma hesitated for a moment, not sure whether or not to grab the kittens. She decided it would be quicker not to, and she could always come back without Esmé later.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to-"

"You can stay if you really want to but I'm leaving." Esmé says, something about the home making her feel claustrophobic.

Alma walked Esmé outside and saw the stray cat in a nearby bush. "Are you okay to stay a moment longer while I quick grab the cats?" She asked gently. Esmé nodded, holding her beloved items close.

Alma turned into a falcon and dove into the bush, catching the cat easily. She switched back, holding the cat, which was surprisingly calm.

She went back inside got the kittens, tucking 2 in her jacket pocket and holding the other with the mother.

Alma went back outside to Esmé. "Let's go." She said softly, walking along the path home with the younger woman.

The woman seen her nervously running her thumb over the blanket Alma had made her long ago, knowing something was wrong. She gently took the small box and falcon from Esmé, the younger woman looking at her confused before Alma handed her the one kitten in her hand.

Esmé smiled and brought the kitten to her chest, holding it close. It meowed happily and leaned into her touch.

Esmé pressed a gentle kiss on the top of the kittens head, gently scratching behind his ear. She felt the kitten start purring, pressing his forehead against her chest.

Esmé smiled slightly and looked over at Alma. "Thank you." Alma nodded and smiled gently at her.

Eventually they made it back home, their mentors keeping their wards entertained as they carried everything upstairs.

They decided to keep the cats in their room for now, not wanting the children to crowd them, and unsure of how Bud would react. Alma took the blanket and LeFay and put them in the washer.

When she came back to their room, she seen Esmé gently petting one of the kittens, trying to distract herself and smiled when she felt the older woman hug her from behind.

"I love you so much." Alma said softly.

"I love you too." Esmé leaned back against her.

Alma propped her chin on her shoulder, looking over her as the younger woman smiled slightly at one of the kittens who started biting her hands gently.

"Is something on your mind?" Alma asks softly, pressing a gentle kiss on her neck.

"I just don't like that house. I'm happy to be home, it feels safer here." Esmé said as she leaned against the older woman.

Alma looked down for a moment, wanting to know what all the marks were from and wanting to know more about her life there, but knew better than to be nosy.

"When will the blanket and LeFay be finished washing?" Esmé asked her.

"A couple of hours." Alma said gently.

"Will you spray them with your perfume when they're done?"

Alma hummed and pressed another soft kiss on the woman's jaw line before sitting down beside her on the bed, Esmé scooping the kittens in her arms and the mother laying down in her lap.

"We'll have to bathe them before we have someone else take them." Esmé says softly.

"I can get a bath started for them in the tub?" Alma suggested.

"That sounds good, I hope they like water." Esmé said as she looked down at them.

"I'll go get a towel ready and the water." Alma says softly, placing a gentle kiss on the woman's forehead.

"Alma?" Esmé asks quietly and Alma looked at her, the younger woman holding out her arms.

Alma moved to hug her. "I love you so much my darling." She said to the younger woman.

"I love you more." Esmé says softly, hugging her tight.

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