Day 13 shit gets real now

Start from the beginning

As soon as Tessa saw me, her eyes widened in fear. I could see the terror in her eyes as I slowly approached her. I reached out and ripped the tape off her mouth, making her gasp for air.

"Oh sweetie, you're going to have so much fun," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Max and Billy are arguing right now, so we have all the time in the world."

But Tessa wasn't having it. She pleaded with me to let her go, reminding me of the history we shared and how much it meant to her. "Kody please... let me go. You know you don't want to do this to me. What about the history we had?" she cried.

I could feel my anger rising as she spoke. "It was all a lie," I shouted back. "You mean nothing to me!"

I pulled my pocket knife out and her eyes locked with mine. I got close to her and she flinched "Kody please..." her voice shakes, I made a big cut on her face. She screamed in pain and I laughed watching the blood drip down her face.

"You can't keep me here forever.. someone will find me out here.." Tess said quietly. I ignored her and light the area around her of fire "KODY PLEASE DONT DO THIS.." she said and I walked away.

Ricky's pov
I heard Tessa's screams in the distance and my heart sank "so Ricky you haven't gotten attached right?" Max asked "of course not.." I say and Billy clinched his fists hard. I felt my body going numb "Then go attack her," Max said and I sighed while leaving the area.

I approached Tessa, and as I drew nearer, I noticed the fire blazing dangerously close to her. "Ricky!" she exclaimed, fear evident in her voice. I made my way over to her and stood at a safe distance from the fire. "I'm sorry, Tess, but it's not going to work out between us," I said, my tone firm but regretful. "It's just too risky and dangerous, and I have to follow the rules." Her eyes widened in disbelief, and her voice trembled as she spoke. "Ricky, please," she implored me. "You would rather follow my dad's rules than be with me?" Her voice was laced with hurt and desperation, and it broke my heart to hear it. "I'm sorry, Tess," I replied, my voice full of remorse. "It was all just a game. You were so amazing, and I was stupid to have played with your feelings." Her eyes locked with mine, and I could see the pain and disappointment etched on her face. "You were so stupid for falling for it," I added, my voice filled with self-loathing.

I made my way in front of her and she didn't even bother to look at me anymore "just do what you have to do and leave.." I grabbed whatever I had in my pocket and stabbed her in the stomach. She gasped and quickly held the wound after I pulled it out. I quickly dropped the sharp blade and ran back to the group, my hands covered in blood What have I done?

"Wow, Ricky, I have to say I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you after getting so close with Tessa," Chris said with a smirk. "What can I say, it was all part of the game," I replied with a small laugh. But deep down, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me as I thought of how I had played with Tessa's feelings. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't resist the thrill of the chase. As I looked back at Chris, I couldn't help but wonder if he felt any remorse for the part he played in this twisted game of love and manipulation.

Tessa's pov

My body aches with pain. I can't believe Ricky did all this... I thought he actually liked me. I stood there in a slight panic as the fire got closer to me. I looked around to see if there was anything to help free me from the tree and noticed Ricky's knife on the ground. I struggled to get it, but after a few times of trying to drag it over with my feet, I was struggling to bring the blade up to me. But after a while, I was finally able to free myself.

As I fell to the ground, I felt my body going numb. However, in that moment, I realized that I needed to be strong and keep pushing forward. Despite the heat of the fire getting closer by the minute, I refused to give up. I put my hand on my wound and summoned the strength to get back on my feet. Through the pain, I focused on finding a way out of the area. And eventually, I found a small area not lit and made my way out of the danger zone.

As I walked through the dense and dark woods, the silence was deafening. I could hear the distant sound of cars on the road, which gave me hope that I could soon escape from this place. My body was getting weaker by the minute, and I could feel my strength draining away. Despite the pain that was pulsating through my body, I kept on moving, inching my way closer to the road.

Suddenly, I heard a voice call out my name. It was Vinny's voice, and it sounded like it was coming from a distance. I quickly started running, trying to find my way to the road. The wound on my stomach was throbbing with pain, and every movement was making it worse. But I didn't let that stop me. I had to keep moving.

As I ran through the woods, I heard Ricky's voice calling out my name as well. But I ignored it, even though it hurt me to do so. All I could focus on was finding my way out of the woods and escaping from whatever danger was chasing me. The darkness was closing in around me, but I refused to give up hope. I kept pushing forward, determined to survive and make it out alive.

As Max yelled, "FIND HER!" at the top of his lungs, I frantically searched for the road. After what felt like an eternity, I finally spotted it in the distance. My heart raced with hope, and I quickened my pace towards it. However, my body was beyond exhausted, and I could feel it giving up on me. Suddenly, everything went dark, and I collapsed onto the hard grass. The last thing I remember was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, someone other than Ricky and the guys  would find me and take me to safety.

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