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My back sinks into the plush white mattress, the tendrils of my hair , sprawled all over the silk cushions, and a book that I've read more than a thousand times hovers over my head .

I don't quite remember the details of what happened, because I was so tired everything felt like a blurry rush. From what I've heard The servants arrived last night and carried all the luggage to the palace, the news of the marriage was officially released, I have to moved into my room today and even the wedding date is fixed.

It is daunting to experience so much change in such a short time.

But it is happening. I am going to be the daughter in law of the royal family and soon the-The Queen.

But I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

I remember havinvg to hurry to my room, it was the King's orders to reach as soon as possible. I know it is because he wants me under his constant supervision.

Even the luggage taken by the servants will be searched by him for 'security' purposes. So Yash is holding the map-for now.

I don't like it, especially since he doesn't want to tell me the location until things 'settle down' because according to him.

You have no idea what the king knows, what he is planning, or how far he is willing to go. Now that he is aware you have some relation to the amrit he will do anything to squeeze the answer out of you he says

Or something like that.
But I don't mind too much since it is safe.

And although I was excited at first it quickly turned into annoyance. I knew moving in and out these walls wouldn't be easy, but the tight security of guards and maids prevents me from taking even a few step in my own chambres. I did expect this but it is not something I am used to. Even bua wasn't like this. Infact I am so used to being ignored it is weird and maybe just a little unerving to have my every move watched.

Needless to say my day has been wasted here.

I am cooped up alone with only the books I've brought, flipping endlessly and skimming through the pages,not bothering to understand.

The room ,although,is twice the size then the one at my house, is secured with maids on every corner, watching me on the king's command,obscuring my chances of doing anything. And I haven't been settling in with it yet.

I hate it.

How am I going to find out any information?

I have dinner with the royals tonight. That is the only time I will have human interaction with the king -which will also be useless for he will also keep a strict eye on me.

I just hope that I won't be criticized by Yash or the Lord of Death for not doing anything.

But His words repeat in my head like a nightmare. "We will just find a Replacement"

I push the thought away.

A groan escapes my lips as I flip the last page of the book, my eyes finally meeting the blank page.

I shut it .

Uncrossing my legs I pivot them onto the warm Persian rug and lift myself off the bed.
Strutting across the glossy marble tiles, I feel the heat on my face as I am conscious of the maids that are staring.

So it's maybe a little frightening to have ten people with possible weapons surrounding me waiting for me to slip

I stand before the shelf, where my treasured books were placed. Below the top shelf in the sixth row is a hollow rectangular space. I slide my book in and it fits perfectly, dust escaping from the gaps.

Daughter of the Death GodWhere stories live. Discover now