11: Nameless No More

Start from the beginning

With a light and playful bonk on the head. Dabi smiles and pulls Keigo close.

Dabi:"Lead the way."

As both travel north. Midnight has faught off many assassins, and lost many workers. Now she stands alone. Before morning comes. She is captured.

Elsewhere, jiro's father rests in his bed. Only to wake when he sees light outside his window. When he looks outside. Denki's body lays by the burning field. Then a arrow covered in flames hits his house. When he runs out. Samurai grab him and arrest him.

By morning, toga has arrived in kyoto to tell enji what has happened.

Natsuo is awake to hear her message. So he takes it to deliver it to his father. Only to take a peek inside.

Natsu:"He escaped?"

He reads more, and eyes light up with joy. He then hides the parchment.

Natsu:^Thank goodness I found this first. I'd better warn them, but how?^

Natsuo hears footsteps approaching. So he moves aside to let them pass.

Natsu:"Welcome back sensei. How was your traval?"

Aiz:"Not good. Looks like the ronin is just like his father."

Natsu:"What happened?"
Aiz:"People have been convinced that shogunate is abusing his power. So they are siding with takami. We've captured some of his supporters that have helped him gain power."

Natsu:^Not good. They're getting closer to you. Please be safe.^

Natsuo leaves the castle and heads north in hopes of finding his old friend before it's too late. Using his informates to track keigo down.

Two days pass and keigo arrives in a small village. One that he knows all too well. Houses are in shambles and children beg for food.

Kei:"hand me three to get food."

Dabi:"We can't carry that much- I see what you're doing. Be careful."

Kei:"I will don't worry."

He walks up to a shop that's selling baked goods and meat. Setting three gold on the wooden counter.

Kei:"How much will this get me?"

Ururaka:"Our entire supply worth for a years worth of food."

Kei:"consider this enough to feed everyone."

Urur:"Who are you?"
Keigo lifts his hat and she begins to cry.

Urur:"It's been so long since you've returned. How is your master?"

Keigo's smile fades as he lowers his hat.

Urur:"I see, well at least you're alright. Come eat and I'll go get your mother-"

Kei:"We won't be here long. So we'll take the food to go."

As keigo walks away. Ururaka pouts. So dabi walks up to her.

Dabi:"What happened?"

Urur:"I don't blame him for still being upset. After all, it was his mother's idea to sell him to the shogunate in good faith. How was she supposed to know that her husband would run away. Leaving little keigo to take his punishment. If she were to see how strong he's become. I'm sure it would lift her spirits."

Dabi:"How is she?"

Urur:"Not great. The doctors say this might be the last time she sees the cherry blossoms bloom."

Dabi grabs the food ururaka made them and runs to his side.

Kei:"Thanks for getting the food."

Dabi:"So if you want. We can take a look around. This is your home village right?"

Kei:"My home burned down a year ago. This place means nothing to me."

They continue to walk up a hill until they reach a field of flowers.

Dabi:"Let's rest here for a bit. It's a beautiful view point after all."

Dabi pluvks a flower and puts it on Keigo's hat. That's when both lock eyes and smile. Only to look away when an old lady yells at them.

"Get off my flowers! Don't you know how important these are to me!?"

As she goes to hit Dabi with the cane. Keiho catches it.

"How dare you. He's killed one of my babies! Oh I see. You're to blame. He hadn't have picked it if it wasn't for you!"

Kei:"That's enough. Don't you think you've hurt me enough mom?"

Dabi's eyes widen as the matted hair moves out of the way of seeing her face. Now old and sickly. She squint to see under the hat. That's when she recognizes him.


Kei:"Let's get going.  We can rest somewhere else."

Keigo picks the flower off his hat and drops in.

Seeing this causes her to drop to her knees and cry.

"I........ I planted these for you! I never forgot what your favorite flower was. So I wanted to give you something beautiful to come back to! All this time.... YOU WERE NEVER OUT OF MY MIND!!"

keigo trembles and lowers his head before running away. As dabi is about to give chase. He hears a thump behind him. That's when he sees Keigo's mom collapsed on the ground. So he rushes to her side.

When keigo stops. He looks back and sees dabi helping her inside. Causing him to grit his teeth and continue to run.

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