"Give me a baby," you whispered, and you watched his pupils blow out, just a small ring of gold surrounding them as he swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing. You observed the shudder run through him, his wings stretching and fluttering as he took a deep breath of air. "I just checked my tracker, and I'm ovulating next week, but it doesn't hurt to start—"

Your sentence was swiftly ended, Keigo wasting no time in basically flying onto the bed, lips crashing against yours as he ripped himself out of his suit. He was absolutely feral, your neck quickly falling victim to his teeth.

It surprised you how quickly you'd managed to actually get pregnant, your test showing those two beautiful lines just two weeks after your honeymoon. Though you supposed it made sense; Keigo had been relentless in his pursuit for it. Every single chance he got on your trip, he was sinking himself into you. Not that you were complaining in the slightest.

You spent the week in Bora Bora, savoring everything the island had to offer. Keigo had managed to secure a charmingly isolated bungalow, away from the hustle and bustle of other honeymooning couples.

The bungalow was beautiful, perched above the water on stilts, with beautiful thatched roofs, wooden pillars, and a private deck with a ladder leading into the crystal-clear water. As you walked inside, Keigo placed your bags next to the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room. You marveled at the Polynesian decor before heading out to the deck.

Smiling, you watched the waves gently lap over the ladder, the water looking refreshingly cool in the heat. Overwhelmed with excitement, you couldn't resist the impulse to jump headfirst into the water, still fully clothed.

Upon emerging, you found Keigo leaning against the deck's fence, his warm amber eyes fixed on you with a smile. Just as you were about to tease him, he burst into laughter and playfully dove into the water. You joined in the laughter as he resurfaced next to you, his blonde hair covering his eyes, and feathers dripping. Both of you treading water as he pulled you in for a soft kiss.

It had been an absolute dream, the week passing by far too quickly for your liking. You explored the island, indulging in swimming and savoring more delicious food than you knew what to do with. Each night, you lay together, watching fish glide under the floor through the clear glass next to the bed. It was a perfect cycle – sunbathing during the day, witnessing the sunset on the beach in the evening, and culminating in passionate nights where he lovingly fucked you to sleep.

Upon your return, his behavior underwent a radical change. It was as if his quirk had sensed his success before you even took the test. He became protective, a constant shadow hovering over you and Himari. He cranked up the heat in the house, despite the summer, prompting you to firmly declare nobody was allowed to touch the thermostat. If you needed anything, he was quick to fetch it, insisting you take time to rest. One day, he even arrived home with a literal fuck-ton of blankets, bundling you up in all of them despite your protests.

And when the moment arrived for you to take the test, he paced around the house for the entire three minutes it took for it to process on your bathroom sink. Your attempts to get him to settle were useless. Instead, you opted to watch him from your bed, unable to hide your amusement as his wings flared and fluttered behind him. Crimson feathers flew, cascading through your bedroom, though you doubted he even noticed their dance.

Finally, the alarm on your phone went off, causing Keigo to jump in surprise. His wings flared out, knocking things off the dresser with a loud crash as he cursed. You couldn't help but laugh as he groaned, his face flushed as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Another giggle escaped you before you stood up, walked over to him, and pulled him into a tight hug.

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