Chapter 18

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"I'm going to run to the bathroom; I'll be right back," he said gently, pushing out his chair to stand. She nodded, giving him a soft smile, and he swiftly made his way towards the restroom. He didn't really have to go, but he needed just a second to try and catch his breath.

He quickly entered the bathroom, locking the door behind him before leaning against it with a groan. He sucked in a breath, reaching down to palm himself through his pants. That dress was going to be his undoing; he just knew it. Never in his life had he gotten aroused so quickly before. It had almost been enough to make him dizzy, the blood rushing from his head to his groin as soon as he saw her. He tried every mental trick to get it under control, but he was still half-hard, making it difficult to fully enjoy her company.

He briefly considered taking care of himself to relieve the tension. It would only take a couple of minutes at most. He was no stranger to taking care of himself; he often did so after particularly stressful days at work. It was the quickest way to de-stress, relax, and helped him sleep better than a bath or a sleeping pill ever could. He could simply pull up a quick video, discreetly relieve himself, and return to the table, and nobody would be the wiser.

He sighed, pushing the thought from his mind as quickly as it had come. It was too risky. If he got caught, the Commission would be furious and he could only imagine the lectures he'd get. It would be beyond embarrassing. Plus, it wasn't a very gentlemanly thing to do, especially with his date waiting for him back at their table. Instead he groaned, quickly adjusting himself as much as possible and withdrawing his hand before grabbing his phone. This was all Haruki's fault, she'd definitely done this on purpose.

Hawks: That dress isn't playing fair and you know it.

Haruki: I bet it would look even better on your bedroom floor. What the hell are you doing texting me? Focus on your date!

Hawks: I hate you.

Haruki: I'm glad you're having a good time. Now go get laid!

He chuckled, rolling his eyes as he put his phone away, but the thought certainly was tempting. What would it be like to actually experience those things he'd only watched on a screen before? For the first time in his life, he found himself curious. What did it actually feel like?

Shaking his head, he cleared his thoughts and walked over to the sink, splashing some cold water on his face. It was too early to be entertaining those thoughts, despite the expectations from those around him. They were just having their first real interactions, and it was too soon for any of that. He wanted to try and take this as slow as possible, considering the Commission's plans for them.

He quickly slipped out of the bathroom, pausing in confusion as he approached their table. A young man was sitting across from Y/N, firmly settled into his seat, wearing a smug smile as he gazed at her. His brown hair was slicked back, and Hawks could tell the suit he was wearing was quite expensive. He inched closer, already planning on eavesdropping. He discreetly sent a couple of feathers under their chairs to pick up their conversation more clearly.

"What, are the tags still attached so you can return it after? What idiot saw you and decided to take you out? Don't they know that you're nothing more than trailer trash? I mean, after all, what kind of person abandons–"

He furrowed his brow at the man's harsh words towards her, his gut twisting as he grappled with the fact that someone could say something so cruel. He hardly had time to process or act before he watched Y/N's face contort, her desperation obvious in her features as he saw tears begin to slip down her cheeks.

"I didn't! You took her from me!" She cried out, and he frowned, wondering what she could possibly be talking about. Who was this person they were discussing, and why was Y/N suddenly crying? "You took her from me and left me homeless, and I have worked so damn hard to fight for her back. You just wait."

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