Chapter 42

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He hurried through the rows of desks, attempting to deflect the curious glances from his employees as he navigated the office. Tears streamed down his face, and he knew hiding the evidence was useless. Opting to lower his head, he pressed on as if running late for a crucial appointment. Maintaining a sense of urgency, he hoped to minimize the number of witnesses to his emotional unraveling as possible. The whole hero thing didn't really align with a tear-streaked face, so instead he portrayed an air of unapproachability, determined to avoid any questions about why he was working during his vacation.

He glanced up quickly at Haruki's desk before letting out a shaky breath. At least one thing was going right today; she wasn't in her chair, which meant he could slip into his office without having to worry about getting a lecture for being get here.

He slunk into his office, quickly closing the door behind him before letting out a relieved sigh. He was finally away from prying eyes, though he knew he was going to be the center of the office gossip any minute now. After all, it wasn't everyday you watched your boss walk through the office crying. But for now, he could at least sit down and do some paperwork before figuring out what his next move was. Just a few hours to calm down and collect himself, that was really all he needed.

He moved inside the office, sitting down at his desk with a soft sigh before glancing up at the painting that hung up on the wall next to it, his eyes watering. His heart ached so badly, he could swear he'd been shot in it. He had been so sure they were on the same page, that she felt the same way about him. They were a couple, they called each other boyfriend and girlfriend. They kissed good morning, cuddled together to fall asleep. They had just had sex; she'd taken his virginity. How was it possible that she didn't love him in return?

He shifted his gaze back to the computer, desperate to divert his attention from the agonizing ache in his chest. But, tears continued to trickle down his cheeks, like a fucking leaky fountain. Wiping his face, he turned to his email, realizing he hadn't checked it since the start of his vacation. The sight of 120 unread messages next to "inbox" greeted him on the screen, and he sighed at the overwhelming influx of emails within a mere week.

They were nothing super important– appearance requests, meeting notices, brand deals, and a multitude of new modeling requests. He efficiently approved most, excluding one steadfast decision – he would never model underwear again. Despite the current turmoil in his personal life, he still was mated, and that aspect of him was reserved for her alone now. Within a brisk hour and a half, he managed to clear his inbox, allowing him to proceed to the agency's budget and payroll paperwork. The sound of his office door opening interrupted his focus, prompting a furrowed brow as he shifted his gaze from the computer to the entrance.

"Go. The. Fuck. Home," Haruki's voice cut through the silence like a knife, leaving him perplexed. Why did she sound so angry with him? Nonetheless, it didn't matter; she couldn't force him to leave. If he chose to spend his vacation here, it was his right. Observing intently, he witnessed her slamming the door behind her, striding over to the desk until she was face to face with him. "You really are a fucking addict! Are you that desperate for a fix that you come in here while you should be at home, curled up with your girlfriend-"

"Haruki," he snapped, clenching his jaw as his eyes suddenly started to water again at the mention of her. Damn, he felt absolutely fucking pathetic. "I'm not going home. Get out of my office, now."

"Absolutely not. Why aren't you going home? What's your issue?" she asked, her hand shooting up, grasping his face roughly, and tilting it to look at her. He whined in protest, her fingers squeezing his cheeks as she examined him through narrow eyes before they suddenly widened. "Have you been...crying?"

He jerked himself from her grip, her nail slicing his cheek slightly as he sucked in a breath. "Haruki, I'm serious. Get the fuck out of my office right now."

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