"Alright, Haruki and I are going to run down to the small lab the agency has for forensics. They should be able to do the blood draw and give us a cup for a urine sample. We can take them to the Commission lab and swap them with Y/N's once the time comes," Mamoru said, and Keigo nodded, watching as they both made their way towards the lab. It only took about five minutes before they rejoined them, Mamoru slipping the small vial and cup into his pocket. Haruki smiled, looking at Y/N.

"You've done it before, so I imagine you remember what early pregnancy feels like? Jiro is probably going to try and grill you on your symptoms," she said, and Keigo frowned at the way his heart started racing, different images suddenly flooding his mind.

He stared at the wall, zoning out from the conversation as he tried to steady himself. Why the hell was he suddenly imagining what it would be like to hold her hair back while she had morning sickness or running out to the store at three in the morning because the baby was demanding something crazy? Why the hell did he actually kind of want those things? He had to stop those thoughts; it wasn't what his future held. It would be him, Y/N, and Himari. That was all he wanted, all he needed.

"Alright, let's get going," Haruki said, walking towards the doors of the agency. Y/N grabbed his arm, tugging him away from his thoughts, and he took a deep breath, allowing her to pull him out of the doors. Together they walked the few blocks towards the Commission office, ducking into an alleyway right before the building. Mamoru took a deep breath, pulling out his phone and looking at everyone.

"Are you ready for this? Everyone knows what part they're going to play?" he asked, and everyone nodded in agreement, and he smiled. "Alright, let's get that poor girl home."

He tapped something on the phone before putting it up to his face. It took a second, but finally, Jiro answered, his voice angry sounding even through the phone. Keigo held his breath, struggling to try to hear what Jiro was saying, but it was useless.

"Sir, I know you're in a virtual meeting, but this is important," Mamoru started, his tone a mixture of urgency and excitement. "The lab called me a bit ago and told me there was an error on this month's report. Hawks really was telling the truth this morning. He must have stopped using the condoms this month or one was defective, but it really doesn't matter. She's pregnant, you've got your successor!"

Mamoru glanced up at him, smiling before looking back at the ground. "No sir, Hawks is still at the agency. I haven't contacted him yet; I thought you'd want to know first."

"Yes sir, I already took the liberty of having a car sent for her to do repeat labs. She should be here any minute. I'm currently down in the lobby waiting for her to arrive."

"Of course, I'll text you when she gets here, and we can all head down to the lab together to do the blood draw."

"Yes sir, thank you."

He hung up the phone, nodding at everyone with a large smile. Jiro had taken the bait.

They were quick to take their positions, everyone except Y/N entering the building and going their separate ways. Haruki walked to the lobby chairs, the duffle bag of his feathers tucked under her as she pulled out a book, flipping halfway through and starting to read. Mamoru waited by the doors, pretending to be looking out for the car that was dropping off Y/N, and Keigo hovered close to the elevators, his hood low as he pretended to play a game on his phone. Once Jiro stepped out of the elevators and towards Y/N, he would slip in and take the elevator to the basement.

Y/N finally entered the building a few minutes later, Mamoru making a big deal about her arrival before pulling out his phone and texting Jiro. Keigo held his breath, keeping his eyes focused on his phone, using his peripherals to watch. It only took a few minutes after Mamoru texted him, the elevator letting out a loud ding, Jiro rushing past him. He could hear Jiro greet Y/N, the sweetness sickeningly sweet as he congratulated her on her pregnancy.

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