He was large, muscular in a way he hadn't fully expected. He looked older than he would have thought, tired, with dark circles under his eyes. His hair was graying at the temples, a sign of the weight of responsibilities he carried. Y/N's grip on Keigo's hand tightened slightly, a subtle reassurance that left him strangely comforted. The air in the room shifted, tense and expectant.

"Ah, Hawks, It's lovely to meet you finally," her father's voice was measured, a touch of weariness evident in his tone. Keigo nodded, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. Why the hell was he suddenly so nervous? Her dad turned his head to gaze at Y/N, his eyes sad, like he was upset. He gave her a small smile before opening his arms.

"Come here, Cricket," he said warmly, and Keigo blinked in surprise as Y/N suddenly turned, thrusting her drink into his hands before running into her father's arms. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I'm so glad you came home." He whispered into her hair before kissing the top of her head, and Keigo felt his chest tighten at the scene before him. Why was he thinking about his own parents right now? It wasn't like they'd ever welcome him back like that; it was pointless to even think about.

They broke their embrace, and Keigo swallowed as her father walked towards the sofa, his footsteps heavy, causing him to clench his teeth. He now stood before him, his arms crossed, before leaning down and plucking the glasses out of his hands. Keigo couldn't help it, shrinking back into the couch slightly as his anxiety threatened to suddenly overwhelm him, visions of his own father glaring over him running through his head. He suddenly found himself wanting Haruki or, strangely enough, his mother, and it was almost enough for him to open his mouth and beg for him not to hit him.

Just as he was about to speak, Y/N's father took him by surprise, pulling him into a tight hug. The unexpected warmth caught Keigo off guard, and for a moment, he stiffened in surprise. Gradually, his anxiety yielded to confusion as he realized this was a gesture of comfort, not confrontation. His arms instinctively raised to return the hug before he was gently released and held at arm's length by Y/N's father.

"Thank you for taking such good care of our girl," he said with a smile, and Keigo nodded.

"Of course, sir. I'd never let anything bad happen to her."

"Good," he replied with a chuckle, giving Keigo's shoulders a rough pat. "Like you a lot better than the last one, for sure. Never really liked that guy. It was a mistake to let Cricket leave with him." He whispered under his breath before sighing and shooting a glare towards Y/N's mother. She narrowed her eyes at him in response, before rolling them and looking away, crossing her arms angrily. He let out a sigh before reaching back over and handing the glasses back to Keigo. "Come on, it's time for dinner."

They all shuffled, following her father into the dining room. Despite her father seeming like a decent guy, Keigo couldn't ignore the tension between her parents. It left him wondering about the events that transpired years ago. If her father hadn't wanted her to leave, why did he end up kicking her out?

"So," her mother said as they got settled, a smile creeping onto her face as she passed a bowl of rice. "The number two hero, that's just absolutely Incredible. What is it like to be so famous?"

"Exhausting," He said honestly, grabbing the rice and quickly putting some onto his plate before handing it to Y/N with a smile. "But I enjoy helping people, so it's not an issue."

Her mother's smile didn't waver, but there was a glint of condescension in her eyes. "Helping people? Is that what they call it these days? I'm sure the flashy costume and constant media attention have nothing to do with it."

Keigo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, was she secretly a hero hater, was that the reason she was coming after him for his profession all of a sudden? "It's more than just a costume and media attention. It's about making a positive impact, inspiring hope, and protecting those who can't protect themselves."

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