Chapter 26

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But when you look at me
The only memory is us kissing in the moonlight
Oh-oh ooh oh, oh-oh ooh oh
I can't remember to forget you

Can't Remember To Forget You - Shakira, Rihanna 

As my ruby heels clack against the pavement and the sound of bustling and teen-partying fills my ears, I feel my throat go dry. 

I've just snuck out of my window (a common reoccurrence these days) in my best party dress, and I regret not bringing a jacket with me. I just didn't want the hassle of having to hang it up and the risk of losing it. Or maybe it's the nerves in me that are making chills run down my spine, I don't know. 

Nevertheless, I push my blocky sunglasses up my nose and enter the big house. It was no joke when they said that the mean 3 of Voltaire were actually rich. Dupin, Vergoux and Descamps - If only Vergoux also had a last name that started with D, then you could call them the D's. 

For 'Dick's', of course. 

I walk through the mass of dancing teens in the house, older and younger alike. Not long after, my eye catches the sight of Simone's black bob. 

"Simone!" I exclaim, tapping her on the shoulder and diverting her away from her conversation with another girl. Simone's eyes go wide at the sight of me and she embraces me in a big hug, her voice excited as she basically starts spewing. "Maddy! Gosh, I thought you'd ditch on me."

I giggle at her words, raising my eyebrow at her in a playful way. "I can't believe that you'd actually think that! Can't ignore a party with one of my friends, can I?" 

She chuckles at my words and leads me over to the kitchen, where the drinks sat proudly in a display on the counters. She grabs a cup for me and starts pouring, meanwhile also complimenting my outfit. 

It was simple, really. A red, V-neck dress that reached to my mid-thighs along with white gloves, sheer white tights and a pair of red sparkly heels that I got as a gift from one of my friends in Toulouse, when I still lived there.

"I don't think I've seen you worn that dress before," She says, and I shrug. "I don't think I have worn it to school. It's a bit... provocative, in my opinion." 

Simone hums, handing me the cup. I sniff it first, and she fakes an offended look. "Do you not trust me?" She asks, giggling. I smile and give her a sneaky look, taking a sip from the mystery beverage. "Just wanted to make sure that you won't accidentally give me alcohol poisoning." 

It was actually a very good mix - the sweetness in the start was very unexpected, and so was the sudden burn that went down my throat and the leftover warmth of it all. You could definitely taste that this was expensive alcohol. None of that cheap, knock-off stuff. 

With one gulp, I throw my head back and down it, thrusting the cup into Simone's hand once I finished. "Get me another one please, Miss Bartender." 


I will be real, my head was spinning

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