Taehyung looks towards the driving seat but he frowns realising that the male who is in the front seat is not their driver. He says, "H-Hey! Who are you?"
Taehyung looks around in the car and realises that the car's interior is also different from Jungkook's car. Taehyung can't understand where he got stuck.
The man in the driver's seat parks the car to a side and turns towards Taehyung and gives a smile to the younger male.
Taehyung looks at the man's facial features carefully. He then says with a happy face, "Mr. Williams? It's really you?"
Taehyung remembers him clearly. He was a big client in the federation where he used to work while living in London. Taehyung was his consular. He has helped the male in again standing on his feet. In fact Austin agreed to get a prosthetic leg after Taehyung has asked him to. Taehyung hasn't thought that Austin will be able to recover this quickly and will even be able to drive a car.

Austin says, "Yes it's me. It's been a while since we both met, Mr. Byun."
Austin was ready to hide his real identity and act like a good person in front of Taehyung.
Taehyung says, "Yes it's been a while. But when did you came to Korea? I got inside your car thinking it's mine. I am sorry."
Austin says, "I came here just some time ago. Oh! I came to know that people here know you by Kim Taehyung's name."
Taehyung says awkwardly, "Y-Yeah."
Taehyung has intentionally told wrong name to the male. He wasn't expecting Austin to be able to find him.
Austin says, "By the way where do you live? I will drop you home." He asks like a gentleman. Austin has decided that he will not force Taehyung for anything. To win Taehyung's heart he have to behave gently with the male.
Taehyung says, "No it's fine. My husband can pick me up." On remembering Jungkook a wide smile appears on his face. He knows their driver must be waiting for him and if he won't be their soon then the driver will inform Jungkook and this will make his hubby really worried. He tries to open the car door.
Hearing the husband word, Austin's grip on the steering wheel tightens. One can clearly see anger in his eyes. He don't give Taehyung any chance to open the door and again starts driving. He says, "Ahh I think it will be good if I myself will drop you home as we are already away from the hotel. I think you should call your husband and let him know to not wait for you. I don't think he will have a problem with it."
Taehyung doesn't like the male's this act. But he decides to let it be for this time only. He says, "Ok I will inform him."

The driver was waiting for a long time outside the hotel but their lady boss is nowhere to see. He calls Jungkook and informs him about it.
Jungkook was about to call the male to ask about his whereabouts when his phone starts ringing. It was Taehyung. He immediately picks the call and hears, "Hello hubby!"
Jungkook asks, "Baby where are you? I was so worried."
Taehyung says, "A old friend is going to drop me."
Jungkook frowns and says, "Which old friend? As much as I know your only old friend is Seokjin."
Taehyung says, "He was my patient when I was working in Health and Care Federation in London. His name is Austin Williams. You don't have to worry. We will meet at home later. Bye. Love you."
Hearing the name Jungkook's heart drops. He immediately stands up from his chair and leaves the office not even caring that he have a very important meeting to attend. For now his wife's safety is more important for him.

Austin's car stops in front of their apartment complex. He asks, "Is it where you live?"
Taehyung says, "Yes. Thank you."
Austin came out of the car and opened the door for Taehyung. He says, "Take care."
Taehyung came out and says, "Well thank you for dropping me home."
Austin says, "It's ok. I was just trying to repay for your kindness and help. Can we meet next time for a lunch?"
He asks hopefully. No one can even think that the ruthless leader of Black Swan will talk to someone this softly.
Taehyung says, "I was just doing my job at the federation. You don't have to thank me for anything."
Austin asks, "You don't want to be friends with me because of my leg? Is it?"
Taehyung feels bad hearing this. He says, "No no. There is nothing like that. Weren't we friends from the very start?"
Austin says, "Thank you Mr. Taehyung." Saying that he was about to hug Taehyung. Taehyung also doesn't think much about it as he thought it was a common friendship gesture.

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