44. School's first day

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People watching live streaming of the press conference were shocked. They were not expecting everything to turn out like this.
Taehyung's fans who were supporting him from the start felt really proud of him when he stood infront of entertainment reporters like this.
Even some celebrities like Raina, Sehun, Minho(Famous actor), Chae-young(She is a singer. I realised I never mentioned it.), Bogum(Offcourse he will support his brother-in-law's wife.) show their support with him. They also reveal how entertainment reporters are nuisance people who always like to get some gossip news and then display it in such a way as if it's a big crime without even knowing the reality behind it.

Bogum tells how these entertainment reporters have said him a gold digger when he had revealed about his relationship with Yeo-been because she was daughter of Jeon family without even knowing that he himself belongs to a business family and he and Yeo-been has known eachother since childhood.

Sehun reminds them about his recent scandal with Taehyung where reporters have made so many false accusations against them when in reality they both are just friends and he thinks Taehyung as his brother.

Raina says that entertainment reporters always drags her in a scandal whenever she signs for a new movie. They also say that she got lead role by sleeping with film's director when in reality she gets them because of her talent and acting skills. She tells about a scandal with a director which got so viral and complicated that she had to take a virginity test from hospital and then show it as a proof to clear her image. And in reality that director was his old school friend and they just had a friendly dinner together.

Like this everyone tells about the problems which they have to face because of false allegations made on them by reporters.
Many celebrities came infront and praised Taehyung for his bold action.
Other thing that Taehyung is married was a really shocking news for everyone. But Taehyung's fans supports him and congratulates the male. They wish him a happy married life and say that they will always support him.

Jungkook's legal team sends legal notice to every reporter who has falsely blamed the male. They will have to ask forgiveness from him and pay fine for destroying his image like this. If someone don't agree then he will be dragged to court where judge will decide their punishment.
Like this everyone starts asking sorry from Taehyung throw their news channel and social media accounts. They all pays fine for their mistake to Jungkook's lawyer.

Jungkook's team also send a legal notice to Yeon-joo's family. They were accused of threatening, falsely accusing Taehyung which affected his image. They will ask forgiveness from the male and pay fine to him.
Then as police has confirmed that Yeon-joon was involved in attempt to murder so they have to pay fine for that also.
Like this Jungkook don't leaves any of them easily. Now only Irene is left and Jungkook is waiting for the next day to give her what she deserves.

Otherside Taehyung is having a romantic candle light dinner with his husband at their rooms balcony as today Areum said that she will sleep with her Yoongi uncle because today she wants to cuddle with a soft cat like man.
Taehyung teases Yoongi a lot by calling him cat again and again.
Being frustrated Yoongi says to Jungkook that he will kill Taehyung if the male didn't stop his teasing which worked for Taehyung as his possessive and overprotective husband looks at Yoongi with a deadly glare which is enough to make anyone shiver.
Jungkook says, "Why don't you try and see what will be the outcome of your this act?"
Yoongi then doesn't say anything and lets Taehyung tease him how much he wants which satisfies Taehyung a lot and the male decides to make his and his husband's night productive as a gift for his hubby.

They then come to their apartment and Taehyung says that today they will do a romantic candle light dinner at their home only.
Jungkook being the whipped man can never say no to him so he agrees immediately and that's how Taehyung arranges everything in their balcony while Jungkook prepares dinner for them.

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