Missing Scene 2: How Sirius and Aquila Took Over the DMLE

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The Department of Magical Law Enforcement was thought to be the most solemn department in the British Ministry of Magic, but the truth was the opposite, as they were truly the most chaotic department of all.

Every time you'd enter their premises, you'd find office employees running around carrying stacks of papers, Aurors gathered in groups laughing about, or the funniest of all, juniors and trainees trying to catch up with their training officers' long strides, running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Those were the various sights that Sirius Black and Aquila Black were greeted with as they arrived at the department to be re-evaluated for their jobs, Sirius as a Hit Wizard – and quite possibly the head of the division – and Aquila as a Senior Auror, the title she'd had before her coma. The two shared an amused look as they headed to Amelia Bones's office, the Head of the circus they were ready to subject themselves to once more.

"Ah there you two are. Aquila will be evaluated by Rufus Scrimgeour as the Head Auror while Sirius will do so with Anna McCarthy, the interim Head of the Hit Wixen."

"Is it not amusing to you that both were trained by us, and because of everything, they get to evaluate us now." Sirius asked his ex-partner blandly, and the woman just gave him a deadpan look.

"If you don't like it, Sirius Black, don't come back."

"Alright, no need to get your head in a twist." He held his hands palm up in surrender.

"Then go!"

The two siblings went in two opposite directions. Sirius going left to see Anna, while Aquila went right to Rufus's office (the office that should've been hers, stupid traitor Death Eaters).


"OFFICE WORK? NO WAY IN HELL WILL I BE STUCK IN A DESK JOB FOR A MONTH!" The whole department heard a distinctive female voice shout at the top of her lungs.

"I'm sorry Auror Black, but you need to physically strengthen yourself to be able to handle field work, and that means staying at the office for the next month until you're strong enough to go on missions again." That was what they heard Scrimgeour reply with in rather calm tone, all things considered, and it seemed Auror Black would not have any of it though.

"I am perfectly capable of going on missions, thank you very much! The Healers at St. Mungo's wouldn't have let me go if I wasn't well enough and healthy."

"Healthy for day to day life, yes, but not complicated and dangerous work like the stuff we do here."

"I- you can't do that!"

"Bloody Hell Aquila, it's just one month!" And wasn't that quite the shock, to hear their mild-mannered Head Auror losing his temper for the first time probably ever. "Consider it a retraining period, or time for recovery or something! I don't care, just do your bloody paperwork, help train the juniors, get back on your feet and you can go on the first mission that comes up a month from now."



"Is this what Auror Scrimgeour was like with Auror Black back in the day?" Junior Auror Stanley Atkins asked quietly, and everyone who'd been present during that time laughed.

"Yeah kid, that's how he was. If there was anyone who could get Scrimge to lose his temper, it was Aquila Black."

"Yeah, that sounds about right." A voice said behind the gathered group of Aurors, junior and senior, and they all turned to see Sirius Black standing with Anna McCarthy, smirking at the scene in front of him.

"Sirius!" Kingsley Shacklebolt exclaimed in surprise, clapping the man on the shoulder in greeting. "So, what's the verdict?"

"Two weeks of rest and helping train the newbies before I'll take the oath as Head Hit Wizard." He said proudly. Throughout the conversation, no one had noticed the two aforementioned senior Aurors entering the room until the woman exclaimed in shock.

"WHAT?! He gets two weeks and I get a month?!"

"You were on bed rest, he's been on the run for a few months before he was proven innocent, and that was a few months before you woke up. He's had a longer time to recover, heal and rebuild his strength, unlike you." Scrimgeour explained, and he got a hateful glare in return, which he shrugged off with a blank expression.


"Sorry Sis, but he's right." Sirius said simply, trying to hide his cheeky smile and managing to do so successfully as Aquila was too busy

"I hate this." Aquila grunted with a glare.

"At least after this, you get to be Co-Head Auror." That caused everyone to jerk in surprise, staring at the two senior Aurors in shock.

"You do?" Kingsley asked in slight surprise, and Aquila nodded with a grunt.

"Yes, so please get used to her being in some form of power and get comfortable with that as well, as she'll be here a while." Rufus said blandly, and Aquila decided to finally smack him on the arm for it.

"Yeah I will, and I'll make sure to stay as long as you do just to make your life an annoying hell." Rufus groaned at that, but all Aquila could do was smirk smugly.

Even though she'd have to stay in the office for longer than she'd hoped, she was still glad to be back, if not for anything, then just for the fact she got to see her sons enter their adult lives with her supporting them as she always would.


Hope you enjoy this small funny scene that I wanted to reveal.

Please let me know what your thoughts about this are!! I always love reading comments, they truly make my day.

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