The Trial of Sirius Black (And Everything That Ensued)

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The Mother-Son duo walked towards the courtroom together, immersed in quiet conversation. They were met by Lord Theseus Scamander near the door, who took Regulus into his arms in a hug before hitting the young man upside the head.

"You better not do something like that again Kid." The glare Regulus was sent quelled any snarky comment he was going to say.

"Yes Uncle Theseus." He bid the two goodbye before he headed to the visitor's area to see the proceedings of the Wizengamot-level trial.

The two waited silently for the doors to open wide to let them in before they glided into the chamber, shocking everyone gathered inside. When the Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot had heard that two of their peers would be joining them, they hadn't expected the two to be Lord Theseus Scamander; a man who could've been Minister of Magic if he'd wanted simply for the fact he was a well-respected and sometimes feared Ex-Auror and had been the head of the DMLE some thirty years ago, and the esteemed and well-acclaimed Lady Harmonia Avery-Black; Lady of the Ingenious and Most Ancient House of Avery and Lady-Consort and Proxy for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black in Lord Altair Black's stead, also a well renowned author and philosopher. The two matched each other's steps as they walked into the chamber towards the raised dais where the oath they'd need to take was placed.

"Please welcome Lord Theseus Scamander of the Virtuous and Most Ancient House of Scamander and Lady Harmonia Avery-Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and the Ingenious and Most Ancient House of Avery. Lord Scamander and Lady Avery-Black, please take the oath stated and join this esteemed body." Albus Dumbledore said after a moment of shocked silence. He didn't think they'd join the Wizengamot again, and he didn't look forward to what the two would do to oppose his control of the chamber. Throughout the war against Gellert, Theseus had been the one he could never control, especially after the man had married Lord Arcturus Black's sister Selena. As Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the man also had a measure of power and respect that Dumbledore had never been able to achieve.

As for Harmonia Avery-Black, well no one could control that woman, but what was worse was that people respected her much more than they did him. She'd finished her education and had gotten various masteries, had worked as both Healer and Unspeakable for some time and had published many books that are still used in educating the young to this day. She'd also been the only woman brave and cunning enough to tame the untameable Lord Orion Black and become his consort. Even with Dumbledore's status as Grindelwald's defeater, the woman trumped him in achievements and respect, and it showed.

As soon as she started moving towards her seat among the Neutral faction, everyone started flocking to get her attention and some even received a hello from the powerful woman. The one woman Tom Riddle – or Lord Voldemort as most knew him – could never cross, and the man never even tried to. Dumbledore; Tom had tried time and time again to defeat or oppose, but Harmonia had never crossed wands with the man, and not from her own fear, but from the immense respect the Dark Lord had for her. A little known fact was that the two had been classmates; one a Slytherin, the other a Ravenclaw, and the two had actually become friends of sorts, so Tom Riddle had never dared to cross the woman or her family as he knew from personal experience that she'd be able to beat him to oblivion.

It shocked everyone as well when Lord Scamander reassigned his seats to the Neutral Faction and the two were welcomed warmly by the leader of the faction, Gavin Greengrass.

"Now we will begin." The scribe of the meeting, Aldrich Shaw, called out. "Minister Fudge, I believe you have an announcement to make."

"Yes. My dear Lords and Ladies, it has recently come to my attention that a grave mistake has been made by the previous Minister of Magic, Madame Bagnold, which I have come to rectify. Scion Sirius Black was illegally sent to Azkaban Prison without a trial by the previous Minister, Mr Bartemius Crouch, who had been the Head of the DMLE at the time, and our own Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore. You'll all find in front of you the order of sending Sirius Black to Prison, signed by all three on the morning of November first 1981, but no trial transcript had been filed before this paper was signed. It was found deep in our archives like a secret that they didn't want to be found, but it did. You will also find in front of you part of an undisclosed Inheritance test that shows Mister Black as Illegally Incarcerated, which is what started this investigation in the first place." The gasps that were released at the news and accusations Minister Fudge had revealed rang through the whole chamber, and Harmonia struggled to hide her satisfied smirk.

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