Dahlia Thissle

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Dahlia Thissle : Dahlia Jane Thissle is a Redwing who is a doctor and one of the instructors of Everpeak's Top Wing Academy

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Dahlia Thissle : Dahlia Jane Thissle is a Redwing who is a doctor and one of the instructors of Everpeak's Top Wing Academy. She manages the academy alongside her two partners, Vincent and Jason.

Voice actress: Mandy Moore

Dahlia is presented as caring, gentle and kind-hearted, obviously showing a lot of love and care to her friends and loved ones. Due to this, she sports a very motherly-type personality, as she is always there to comfort someone or give them advice.

As an instructor, she shows off her traits of being smart and rational, specifically when guiding her students during their rescue missions. Surprisingly, she is also shown to be quite strategic as she is quick to come up with solutions.

Before she became a cadet, Dahlia has lived a bit of a sheltered-life due to her overprotective parents, until one day when she was 6 years old when she finally was allowed to explore outside. After signing up in the Top Wing community, she is determined to prove that despite being a sheltered-bird, she is one of the best cadets her academy has had. To this day she had accomplished that claim as she became one of the top students.

Due to half of her childhood being screened, she is a bit sensitive, especially when it comes to talking about hard topics such as complications in her family, or taking in a severly-injured patient, showing off that she has a great amount of empathy also. However, she is also proven to be tough as she admits that she has to go through these types of things in real-life.

She is very passionate about her role as a doctor, as she is more than happy to help someone in need, especially when they are hurt. This is helpful since when she was signing up to become a teacher, she took a part-time health education class. Overtime, she har grew a love for medical care and taking care of sick or injured people.

Dahlia's appearance is that of a pretty-looking Redwing with a slender figure that curves out into slightly wide hips. Similar to her type of bird, she sports a long warm-yellow and dark gray beak, and her feathers have a brown-and-white color scheme; being colored in a dark brown with noticeable white patches on the sides on her face and upper-eyelids, with her chin-down-to her neck is reversed-colored. Her wings are colored in a much darker shade of brown, and her two-layered tail feathers are differently-colored; the first layer is white with gray tips, while the second layer is fully gray.

Her feathers also formed thick and tailbone-length hair, which has been kept into a twice-banded ponytail with curled-bangs. Her bangs also slightly covers her left eye and eyebrow; her eyes themselves are a rather large pale green with fairly long and thick eyelashes protruding from them, while her brows are thin and are colored in a cinnamon-brown. Despite her arguably tall stature, she is shorter than both Vincent and Jason.

Dahlia's attire consists of a set of red-and-white headphones with a thin microphone attached to it, and a stethoscope which hangs around her neck. She wears a red turtleneck under a white blazer which is enclosed by two red buttons, and an accessorizes silver pin on the left side of red-trimmed lapels.

She also wore a red watch strapped around her right wing, red dress pants and white medium-heeled shoes that somewhat resemble saddle shoes, with black laces, toes and tips of the heels.

• Dahlia is proven to be a beautiful singer, as she loves singing to calm her patients and in general.
• During her free time, she likes to read Romance, Inspirational Fiction, and Poetry books.
• She loves small and fluffy animals, specifically bunnies.
• She also likes to sketch in her own sketch book.

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