Cadet Caspian

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Caspian Stream : Caspian Beckett Stream, sometimes nicknamed "Casp" and also known as "Cadet Caspian", is a young Snowy egret who is a Level 2 surface water cadet

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Caspian Stream : Caspian Beckett Stream, sometimes nicknamed "Casp" and also known as "Cadet Caspian", is a young Snowy egret who is a Level 2 surface water cadet.

Voice actor: Isacc Ryan Brown

Caspian is friendly and optimistic, always more than happy to help others and his teammates no matter what. He is also shown to be energetic, making it obvious that he is an extrovert who is always down to doing new and daring things. However, this doesn't stop him from being laid-back, as he is also willing to do more calm activities.

As per being a surface water cadet, he pretty much enjoys his job and takes his role very seriously, obviously not wanting to fool around when on the job as he does not want to face dissapointment to his peers. Despite this, he isn't above cracking small jokes when patrolling on his vehicle, although he immediatly gets back to work right after.

One trait that should be known is that Caspian is very smart and clever, as he is not easily fooled and could figure things. He also shows several traits of being street-smart and resourceful, as he is not afraid to think about even the most difficult or risky solutions.

Another trait that is distinctive about Caspian is that he is very snarky and sarcastic as he is completely okay with saying rather sharp-tongued comments (if it's appropriate), especially to the ones that cause trouble for no reason. He is also shown to be very blunt and honest (despite knowing how to lie), as he does not hesitate to tell the harsh facts to someone. These traits hints that this is his way of showing his annoyance, with another way is that he can even resort to raising his voice and telling someone off, showing that he can be very outspoken.

Caspian appears to possesses an insecurity about himself - the way he acts in a negative way. The reason behind this is that when he was younger, he is seen as a bad influence due to how mischeivous and trouble-making he was, especially to his younger cousins. When he got older and signed up to be a Top Wing Cadet, he promises himself and his family that he will always be a good person who will do the right thing. It also shows that evertime his family talks about past memories, he would become uncomfortable when they got to his younger self, having to relent his misdeeds.

Living up to his promise, Caspian is a very kind and caring individual, managing to make time for his friends and family and is fiercely protective of them. He is also shown to have the attitude of a warmly big brother, mostly towards his younger family members and even Brody, due to the latter being a bit younger.

He is also shown to be very athletic, as he loves doing water sports and even coming up with his own signature sport - water gliding; a sport that is usually flying and sliding on top of the water, showing off his rather creative side. He also applies this sport to playfully racing his teammates, usually him skating in the ground.

Caspian's vehicle is the E-Surfer; a dark orange jet ski/submarine hybrid with black and white accents, along with a small, silver Top Wing Logo placed on the front. It is equipped with strong claws, turbo thrusters, a hook, an autopilot mode, and has the ability to fly.

Caspian is a young Snowy egret with rather broad shoulders on his otherwise lanky built. Naturally for his species, he is a white-feathered bird with knee-length tail feathers, and both a long neck and and a long dark gray beak with a bright yellow back.

His feathers also formed small tufts on the sides of his face and short loc-styled hair with gray accents. His hair also cover parts his right eye and eyebrow; his eyes themselves are a bright yellow, while his brows are thick and dark gray. He is arguably the tallest out of his team.

Caspian's attire consists of a black-trimmed dark orange wetsuit jacket with two white stripes around the sleeves' biceps, worn over a black swim shirt with a bright orange collar. He also wears a bright orange watch with a silver lining, tightly fastened around his right wing so that he doesn't lose it easily.

He also wore both black swim shorts and black swim socks - the socks itself being worn under his bright orange slip-on shoes with white soles. Caspian accessorized with a shark tooth necklace hanging on his neck, which was given as a gift from his grandfather.

Level 2 Uniform
His Level 2 uniform consists of a dark orange helmet with black, white, bright orange and fluorescent red-orange details, as well as a microphone attached to it, as he can somehow manages to fit his hair under it. He wears a skin-tight two-toned orange shirt with a high black collar, black and white accents on the front and three thick black stripes on the long sleeves - the sleeves itself containing finger holes on his wings and his badge printed on his left sleeve, with a metallic bright orange and silver pin with black details adorning the front.

Caspian also wore a set of black skin-tight pants with a curved, thin fluorescent red-orange stripe on each of the legs, a black belt with a shimmering-silver design on it, and large calf-length bright orange boots, which includes fluorescent red-orange cuffs, fluorescent red-orange soles, as well as a thin fluorescent red-orange stripe behind each of the white soles. His watch is strapped in its usual place.

"Caspian is definitely the water surface cadet everyone needs! A Snowy egret who has the attitude of the waves, wild and calm, he could save you with his all-around E-Surfer!

He also does his rescuing with his creative ways, as seen from his all-time favorite water gliding sport which will surely back him up!"

• Although equally protective to his loved ones, he seems to be a bit extra protective towards Dess. This is probably due to his secret crush on her.
• He is claustrophobic (fear of inclosed spaces).
• He appears to be a bit insecure when someone comments about his height, due to him being the tallest.
• Despite relenting his trouble-making days, he is shown to have a bit of a mischeivous side.
• He likes watching thriller movies, as he gets excited when a new one comes out.
• While he is aware of the existence of turbo surfboards, he prefers using a regular surfboard because of what he puts it as "it just feels more natural that way".
• He doesn't like eating overally sweet-flavoured foods, such as vanilla flavour. However, he is willing to eat it when combined with other flavours.
• He enjoys finger sandwiches, especially the ones with cucumbers.
• He likes reading theory books, specifically books that are about what's on the bottom of the ocean.

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