chapter 9

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The table was full with shirou , percy , siegfried , grover sitting on the left and hestia , Dionysus  , annabeth and chiron and to call the atmosphere awkward was stretch knowing that someone had to speak up shirou went for it as to break the silence

shirou : so what do you want to know

chiron : first i would like to say that i'm happy that you all made it here safe

shirou : oh thank you

chiron : and well there is something we would like to know

shirou : and what's that ?

dionysus : just who is it that you brought with you ?

shirou and percy looked towards since percy can take a good guess based on what shirou explained to him and his mom and they faced forward

shirou : you see it's complicated and what i'm about to say might make me seem crazy

The rest at the table just looked at uim with a face that said " try me " and so shirou sighed

shirou : first i would like for you guys to keep an open mind

chiron : alright

shirou : second is to not interrupt me

dionysus and chiron looked towards annabeth which percy and shirou caught and she just blushed and looked away

shirou : thirdly just in case you don't believe we're going to need a god or goddess who's domain centres around telling the truth

At that hestia messaged apollo through some kind of mindlink cause a few seconds after the mind link apollo appeared when he noticed the serious mood his attitude changed especially when he noticed the new additions to the group

apollo : what's going on ? aunt hestia called for me and told me to come saying that it was urgent

dionysus : well we need a lie detector and your the only one there was so you got appointed for the job

Apollo seemed lost but shrugged anyway and sat down at the table with them all

shirou : alright since we got one the final condition is not to tell anyone outside of this place unless me or percy gives the ok

everyone felt odd about that final request and looked toward each other and since hestia caught apollo up on everything he was apprehensive on following through with it but then shirou brought out a piece of paper that the others don't recognize except shirou after seeing it used often by magus and percy by shirou's stories 
chiron looked at the paper and asked

chiron : what is that ?

shirou : This is a geass contract which will enforce the rules written down by the one who's going give out most of his secret's this will make sure that the other party won't give out anything that happens in the meeting

everybody was shocked at what the piece of paper was and were weary of what they were about to do so hestia taking the contract reading it over carefully to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary in the contract while going over it the others were talking

dionysus : are we sure this is the most wise thing to do ?

chiron : well we're not going to get any answers unless we agree to his wishes

apollo : also we might get an answer to what was going on

dionysus : if anything happens it's on you guys

When they were done with their conversation they saw hestia signing the contract and when she was done she passed around the contract which everybody then signs the contract and shirou then took the contract and started explaining everything from the start from when he was found in the fire of fuyuki city till his life as a hero of justice and to say everybody was shocked was something and hestia was sad that such a kind and sweet young man had to go through all that

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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