Mercy Arrows

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Connie screamed and shouted. Peter pulled her down and forced her farther back into the forest. Pria found them and the two women clung to each other as the gunfire started again.

The bullets that seemed to come from the person who had killed Harnell, danced around the fallen young woman, making it impossible to retrieve her body. Now the Dahrian archers altered their trajectory attempting to make bodily contact with the mercenaries. Flaming torches streamed into the enclosure. Some grappling hooks were projected over it but only a few managed to gain any purchase and their ropes were quickly severed.

Peter said, "It's like King Arthur's knights trying to fight the Borg."

The swarm's attempts to penetrate the enclosure, or at the very least wound a mercenary, sputtered along until late in the night. Gradually most of the Dahrians retreated back to the meadow to talk and strategize, leaving a smaller number keeping watch outside of the floodlights' reach.

Connie stared at Harnell's body, fervently wishing she had been able to waylay the young woman before her suicidal march. She gasped when she saw a Dahrian arrow arching to the corpse. "Oh god. What are they doing?!?"

Zatch snapped at her, "Stop your hysterics. It's Tori. She's sending threaded arrows to retrieve Harnell."

Several more arrows came. One lodged around one of Harnell's ankles in such a way that those pulling on the thin rope were able to slowly inch her body away from the lit-up area. Then two people ran out and quickly carried her away.

Eneko said, "Either they're asleep or not paying attention."

"Or someone in there has a bit of heart," said Pria.

"Or they don't care and got amusement out of watching us," Zatch said.

"I think Zatch is right. I'm betting they have night vision equipment," Peter said.

Zatch motioned toward the meadow, "Come, the watchers will let us know if they're moving outside the enclosure, but I doubt they will tonight. The swarm will keep them inside. For now."

Milo said, "We need to plan for tomorrow. It will be a long night."

"And a difficult one." Pria turned to Connie, "There'll be a burial for Harnell. I think that those who loved her would want to hear what you told me about your time with her."

"I don't..." Pria cut off Connie and took her arm.

They buried Harnell near an oak sapling at the edge of the meadow, wrapping her snuggly in the flag she'd waved. Pria explained that Dahrians often buried the dead near saplings so their bodies would merge with the young tree.

Several people built a large fire near Harnell's grave, and a group gathered around to tell stories and sing. Tessa came. Brome stayed in Misgy with the children. Tori and Lina were also at the fire. Connie only understood a little of the dialect stories about Harnell. Tessa sat by her and held one of Connie's hands and Pria held the other.

When her turn came, Connie talked to the group about how Harnell had unlocked the door in the Squares so she could escape and her loving care of Quill until he was released. She spoke slowly so that Lina could translate her words into dialect. When she was done, someone asked her to sing the 'Old MacDonald' song that she and Harnell created for Quill.

Connie hesitated and Tessa began, having heard Quill sing it endlessly since the hostage switch with Peter. Soon, the circle began singing along to the simple lyrics. Tessa pulled Connie to her feet to do the silly movements that she and Harnell had made up for Quill and many joined them.

After Lina gently closed down the remembrance, Tessa brought Connie over to Harnell's mother who cupped Connie's face in her hands and thanked her as tears streamed down their faces.

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