Dahria 101

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Pria sat down in the chair that Arden vacated, "Sit Connie. And let's talk. I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you more until we knew for sure that Arden could make it through. This is a huge shock for you. I want to help you to understand."

Connie stared at her. Shock was an understatement. She was overwhelmed and confused. And angry. Pria wasn't sure Arden would be able to make it through? Through what? She was tired of riddles.

"Why should I believe that Arden's my father? And Eneko, my half-brother? Seriously, why should I believe that? Just because of our eyes? Maybe it's all a trick. Maybe they're wearing contacts."

Pria grinned, "Oh Connie, haven't you seen it? It's not only your eyes. You are the mirror image of Eneko and Arden, only a female version. Do you remember when we first met, and I stumbled all over my words when I first saw you?"

"I thought it was my eyes, but you were too polite to say anything. That often happens when I first meet people."

"It's all of you, your shape, the way you carry yourself. It's uncanny. Milo told us after she met you for the first time. 'You won't believe it,' she said."

Connie sat down. "I have a thousand questions, but all I want to do is go in and hide under the covers. Arden said he wanted to take me home. My home is here. Anyway, why on earth would I jump up and go someplace with a complete stranger?

"We're all going back. We'll go with you."

"Pria, you're a really nice person. I like you. Though right now, a little less so, since finding out you've been setting me up all along. I'm trying to keep an open mind about that. But the point is, I hardly know you. If Arden can't stay long, we can stay in touch. And I'll come for a visit later."

"It's not that easy. The crossing to and from Dahria is difficult. And it will get more so..." Pria trailed off.

"Difficult how? What's so hard about it? Is that what's wrong with Arden?"

"He risked a great deal to come. Eneko helped him through. We were all so worried. Though Arden is a strong man." Pria sighed and looked down at her hands before continuing, "I had imagined Arden telling you all this. But he's not well and needs to rest to get his strength back. I'm sure he thought this through, how best to talk to you about Dahria. The right words to use. I'll try. At least I'll start because you need to begin to understand. But first, there's one thing. It's extremely important."

She continued sombrely, "Connie, you cannot speak to anyone about Dahria. No one. Not a word. Not the smallest hint. What Arden is doing, what we are doing, is gravely risky for all the people we hold dear. It's only because of the high regard and love we all have for Arden that we agreed to help him find you. I need you to promise me that you'll keep our secrets." She choked out her last words.

Connie softened, "I will Pria. I will. I promise you. I don't want any harm to come to you or anyone close to you. And if Arden is my father...I'm trying to be open to exploring that." She shook her head. "Though I can hardly believe it. I want him to be safe. Bottom line, I don't want anyone to suffer any harm because of me. I'll keep your secrets."

"You can't talk to your friends about us, not Grayson, not your friend up north. No one."

"Of course not. Anyway, that's not hard. There's already lots I don't tell them. Strangely, sometimes I've found it easier talking to you, and I hardly know you. So, go ahead. Tell me about Dahria"

Pria sat back, thought for a few seconds, and took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll talk about Dahria, which will explain about Arden...How do I do this?" She turned away for a moment, pondering her words and turned back. "Dahria is another realm of life on this planet." Paused again, "Here, on Earthside, you would call it a parallel world."

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