#1 - New Arrivials

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Alex was a 14 years old boy who had just gotten into highschool. He previously moved from another city after his mom passed away, and lived alone in an apartment with the support of his dad who had to travel frequently. Luckily for him, he was a positive person, and had picked up various life skills in his life.

Everyday, Alex always hangout with a few of his friends because he had always been shy of making new friends. Making friends was quite hard for him, but the people he befriended with were his important friends. He always went everywhere with them including, class, lunch, or some occasional time for hangouts. Everyone could just look into his innocent blue eyes, and tell that he was a shy, but friendly boy. Together with his blonde hair, cute face, and his slim and petite body, he just looked 10 times more adorable to everyone.

One day after class, Alex and his slim blonde female classmate with a pair of blue eyes darker than his, named Amelia got the duty to hand in the class' worksheets to the teacher. After they had placed the worksheets on a table, a teacher told them to follow him because the principal wanted to say something to them. At first, they thought they had gotten into a big trouble, but it was rather something else.

The principal then explained to them, "So, since the holidays are getting close, there's a competition for freshman highschool students in our area. It's essentially a competition where students like you compete in quizes, and games, hoping to be the winner. I see you two have quite some skills as the teachers had mentioned me, so would you mind signing up for this?" The two were reluctant, so they asked the principal some questions in their mind. "When is the competition exactly?", Alex asked which the principal responded, "Um, it's around the 15th of December, right after the exam." Amelia then furthur asked, "How many days would the competition take? I just want to spend the Christmas with my family." "It should take around a week, since you'd be staying at the competition space around 20 miles from here. So, you'd definitely have time for Christmas.", the principal nicely told her.

After they both looked each other confidently in the eyes, they agreed to go as a team. The principal was quite happy since he finally found the students for this year's competition. Before they left the room, one last question emerged from Alex's head. "Right, since we'll be staying for 7 days, what should we bring?" The principal then answered, "From what I've heard from your seniors, you'll need around 3 sets of school uniforms, and quite a lot of underwear because you'll be getting quite down and dirty. Your competition uniform will be given daily, and the food, the dorm, and the laundry are prepared for you." The two thought that would be quite a bit of clothes, but they think they could handle the task.

When the day of the competition came, the two came to school in their usual school uniform which included a white shirt and a blue blazer. There were also a blue tie and brown slacks for the boys, and girls wear a light gray knee-length skirt instead of slacks. They were instructed to wait at school for a bus to pick them up to the competition place. It was around 7 in the morning in the winter, but the southern haze was still warm. They were all ready to go, both in their readiness and belongings. At around quarter to 8 the bus arrived to pick them both up.

When they got up the bus, there were already a pair of students sitting there, wearing a similar uniform but with a green blazer instead. "Oh, you two must be from Meadow Ridge highschool right?", the sitting boy asked to be friendly. "Y, yeah. We are.", Alex answered. "Just wanted to say that it's my first time coming here, and your school looks stunning.", the girl beside him complimented their school. "Oh, thanks.", Amelia replied. After that, Alex and Amelia sat the right side of the second row which is next to the other pair of competitors. Shortly after, the bus started moving, and headed out for other highschools.

On the way, Amelia was curious about the other team, and asked, "Hey, what highschool do you come from?" The girl then replied, "Um, we're from Little Wood highschool, just from the other side of town." "Oh, that's nice.", Amelia replied. The boy beside them then asked, "So, what are you guy's name?" "I'm Amelia, and that's Alex. He's a little shy.", Amelia told him. "I see. Hi, Alex!", the boy greeted him cheerfully. To which, Alex just smiled, and said hi back to him. "Yeah, I'm Alice, and he's Jamie", Alice introduced herself and her teammate. "Hi, Alice and Jamie", Amelia replied cheerfully. "Is this also your first time, by chance?", Hannah asked. "Um, yeah. It's also our first time.", Amelia replied. "Yeah, I'm quite nervous as well. No one seemed to know what kind of events we'll be participating", Jamie replied which everyone agreed.

Next up, the bus stopped at the Redwood highschool which coincidentally had red blazers and tie for their uniform. After that, they stopped at Silver leaf highschool which had their classic gray blazers and ties. The last stop was Summer View highschool just out of town, and students wear the same style of uniform, except their blazers and ties were light brown. That's because they are sister schools that have the same uniforms. Now, the last stop would be the place of competition just 15 miles east of the town in a foresty area.

When the students arrived, they were driven into the driveway of the camp. There, Alex saw one main building with a huge forest surrounding them. Although the students were around almost a mile deep in the forest, their phones still worked, so they were quite happy with that. The time was almost 10 am, and the students were led into lounge where they met a female staff and a male staff. After that, they all were led to the actual dorm where they will be staying for the next week or so.

Firstly, they arrived into the main living room which included a couch, a coffee table, some desks for studying and a couple bookshelves. After that, the bedroom splits into boys' and girls' which both had 3 bunks, 5 small wardrobes, and a bathroom each. After they had gotten the tour of the dorm, the staff instructed them to unpack before going to the cafeteria to eat lunch at noon.

Since Alex didn't bring much with him, it was quick for him to unpack. At first Alex thought he was going to have a hard time fitting his clothes into the closet, but it was actually really easy since there were also smaller drawers in the individual closets. After that, he struck a deal with Jamie from Little Wood highschool, and he got to sleep on the bottom while Jamie took the top bunk. At least, he won't be sleeping alone. One thing that he hadn't expected was how equipped his dorm would be. He got a bunk bed, a closet, a functioning bath room, and air-conditioning. He thought it was going to be way less comfortable, but he seemed to enjoy the dorm so far.

At around noon, the students were guided to the lunchroom where they were each served a plate of spaghetti. After they had enjoyed the meal, they were taken to the lounge again where they will finally meet the host of the competition.

Soon after they had sat down, 2 adorable girls aged around the early 20s came out of the staff room dressed in an older, more proper British-like school uniform. "Hello, y'all. I'm Hannah, and beside me is Lily. We'll be the host of this competition, called Highschool Elimination which will be its first year that is broadcasted onto local television.", said one of the girls. "I hope you all have a wonderful lunch, but let me cut to the chase. We all come here to compete for your schools, and as you might have heard from your seniors that this could get a little physical and messy.", Lily explained to the students. "That's why we have prepared the clothes for you daily, either a sports uniform or a swimsuit, depending on the challenge. We'll do the laundering of the uniforms for you, so the only thing you have to take care is your underwear and your determination.", Hannah added.

After that, Lily then said, "Alright, kids. Then, I'll be separating you into 5 pairs from your school of origin, and assign you the color. Little Wood: Green, Meadow Ridge: Blue, Silver Leaf: Gray, Redwood: Red, Summer View: Yellow. I hope you remember your team's color!"

"Well, if you're ready. We'll take you to the first challenge of the competition, and explain the rules before that.", Hannah said which the students reluctantly nodded. Of course, both Alex and Amelia were nervous, and looked each other in the eyes to be more confident from the support of each other. What game will they play? Check it out on the next chapter!

End of Chapter 1

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