"Nausea is a common pregnancy symptom that can be a hindrance in a pregnant woman's life.It can be set off by certain smells, foods or even the sight of some foods......"

I suddenly heard a knock at the door and I set down my book and went towards the door
"Who could it be...." I said inside my head

When I opened the door..I was greeted by a huge white box covering the face of a what seemed to be.....


"Everly!!!!!......" I nearly shouted
"Glad to know you still remember what I look like...." she joked while setting down the boxes on the table, then hugged me
"I missed you so much, you really have no idea....." I said burying my head in her neck while shedding a few tears

The hormones....please excuse me guys

"Wow I didn't know you missed me that much....don't worry I missed you too...." she said while giggling

We went to the couch, where I was sitting then suddenly Everly found the pamphlet that I was reading.....I quickly snatched it from her hands

" Uhm....this is dirty.., I used it to kill a cockroach,...lemme just put it away..." I said while hiding it somewhere else

"Okayy.....?"Everly said confusedly

I didn't need anyone from Lucas's family finding out that I was pregnant....just yet

"What's in this box....." I said while looking at it
" It's a box of donuts....I stopped by one of the bakery's and thought that you would want some...."

Now I was hungry

" You always have the perfect timing...." I said while practically grabbing an icing sugar covered donut....Everly grabbed a chocolate covered donut.....and I started to crave hers

Unfortunately...... immediately the smell of the donut hit my nostrils, a wave of nausea rushed over me.....

I covered my mouth and put the donut back in it's box and rushed to the bathroom...I threw up my breakfast....and some of it had to mess my favourite tshirt....

"Amika!!!, Oh my God....are you alright?...should I call a doctor.?...are you allergic to the donuts?....I should have checked before buying them...." Everly said frantically

"Yes, No and No, the donut are probably alright , it's just that I'm sensitive to some smells, could you grab me a new t-shirt from my closet...."

"Sure..." Everly said

I waited for what felt like 5 minutes....maybe she's forgotten the way to my room....no my apartment isn't even that big

I went to my room and found her holding a the box that I had promised to suprise Lucas with about my pregnancy.....

"So this is why you've been acting so strange today... you're... you're pregnant?"Everly asked me

Tears welled up in my eyes and I nodded eagerly....
"I'm so happy for you Amika....you're going to be an amazing mom....second time mom..." Everly said while hugging me

But seeing the box gave me different feelings.....memories of Lucas, the fact that I wanted to tell him the news, made me sob in Everly's arms

"What's wrong....why are you crying?, you're going to be an amazing mother Amika...you have nothing to worry about...."She comforted me

"No.... it's just that.... Lucas.... I...." I tried to form sentences but it just made me cry even more

"It's yours and Lucas's baby and he.....oh goodness...I'm so sorry Amika...I wish I could do more about it...." Everly said

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