Chapter 3 - The Caverns

Start from the beginning

    Walking down the old streets, I noticed many of the thieves staring at me and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Just because I supposedly stole from one of the most highly guarded mansions in the city - actually, that gives them plenty of right to stare. As we passed close to a torch, I shied away a bit. Most malkins had an innate fear of fire; mine was intensified, for obvious reasons.

    Aiden's band lived fairly close to the tunnel, fortunately, so we reached it fairly quickly. We walked straight into the tall building, skipping any formality that would be required in normal society; Tandie and I were good friends with Aiden. I strode past the staring thieves, Tandie following close behind.

    When we reached his room, I knocked on the door, attempting to act casual. The door opened after a moment, revealing Aiden standing there. He grinned when he saw us. "Hello, you two!"

    After returning his greeting, we were invited to sit. Once we'd gotten settled, Aiden asked the question I'd been hoping for. "So, I hear you stole from the Love's place last night." Okay, not exactly a question, but it was a good lead in.

    I exchanged a look with Tandie before responding. "Well, yes, actually I did," I said, a grin spreading across my features. "Great fun, really. I actually thought I saw you hanging around the place as well."

    Aiden looked puzzled. "Me? Couldn't have been. I was on the other end of town last night."

    "Oh, well I was sure it was you. Not many thieves have such... vivid hair," I replied, gesturing to his ginger locks.

    He chuckled. "Well, this is true. But I assure you I was nowhere near there last night."

    "I guess I was mistaken then. How have your latest escapades been?"

    After an exchange of our latest accomplishments, Aiden brought the conversation back to the robbery. "How did you do it, though? Thieve from Roald Love, I mean."

    I froze for a moment. I hadn't actually thought through the answer to this question, I realized. "Erm... well, it was actually rather simple for one in possession of my particular talents," I said, attempting to sound confident. Aiden didn't say anything in response, clearly expecting me to continue. "Surely you don't expect me to tell you exactly how I did it?" I laughed. "A good thief always keeps his secrets, you know."

    Aiden laughed as well, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "I see. I won't press you, then."

    "Well," Tandie said abruptly. "Nice though this has been, we've got to go."

    "Oh, yes, completely understandable. We must do this again sometime," said Aiden, standing up. Tandie and I stood as well.

    We left, heading to Lara's. "So?" I asked Tandie.

    He looked at me. "Oh, right. He was tellin' the truth. He wasn't there."

    I mused on this for a moment. "Well, it's got to be Lara then, don't you think?"

    "Owen, you know what I think of this wild goose chase," Tandie replied.

    "Come on, I know it was the thief, okay? I just know it."

    Tandie just shook his head at me. "Whatever you say."


    "What are you two doing here?"

    Lara was not quite the easy going person that Aiden was, unfortunately. Upon arriving at her building, we had encountered her 'guards' who had insisted on escorting us to her room. Most thieves were actually a bit more trusting of each other. Especially with friends.

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