You quickly changed, pulling on fresh clothes before grabbing the laundry basket in the laundry room that you'd noticed on your tour of the apartment. You got to work, gathering up the towels, your dirty clothes, and scooping out some dirty clothes that had fallen under the bed before switching and starting the laundry. You knew he might be embarrassed if his reaction to his underwear on the floor yesterday was anything to go by, but it needed to be done. He would have to get over those issues sooner rather than later, especially since you were living together now.

After sorting the laundry, you walked into the kitchen, grabbing the note he'd left with his number with a smile. Quickly typing it in to add the contact, you frowned at the box that demanded to be filled with a name. On one hand, he'd asked you not to call him Keigo anywhere but at home, but on the off chance someone took your phone, it would be less obvious for that to be his contact name than Hawks. Besides, Keigo was a normal name; nobody would know it was him.

Got your number, thanks. Hope you have a great day.

Good, I'm glad. Haruki is going to come by around lunch to take you to your apartment to get things.

Unless you have work? Because if so, I can tell her to come later.

Oh, and thank you for packing my lunch.

You bit your lip as you read his messages; you'd have to call your job before you could respond. Leaving his messages unanswered, you called the cafe, giggling slightly as Akemi answered.

"Rosetta Café, how can I help you?"

"Hey Akemi, it's Y/N," you said, and you could hear her suck in another breath.

"Hey!" She responded with excitement. "You finally ready to tell me everything that's been going on with you and Hawks? You can't keep the secret forever, and you've hardly answered my messages this last week!" You sighed, nibbling your lip as you considered it. Akemi had been begging for details about your relationship with Hawks since Haruki had first shown up at your job. You had refused when you'd gotten back that day, telling her it was new, and you'd tell her when you were ready. If you were honest, you still weren't ready to tell her everything.

"There isn't really a lot to tell," you responded, letting out a small sigh as you made your decision; it was far too early for her to know everything. "We've been on a couple of dates, that's all."

"How the hell did you even meet him?!" She asked, causing you to groan in response.

"It was just a random encounter," you lied. You looked around the kitchen, opening drawers you hadn't explored fully as you searched for a pen and a notepad to write your schedule down.

"Well, have you randomly encountered that dick?" she asked quietly, likely so whoever was in the cafe couldn't overhear her. "Is it as good as people say it is? I've heard he's absolutely fucking amazing in bed."

"Akemi, I just need my schedule for the week, please," you groaned as your face flushed, and you could hear her let out a soft tut in response before she moved, grabbing the clipboard that held the staff schedule on it.

"Alright, well, you're off today, obviously, but you need to be here tomorrow to open," she said with a sigh, reading off the rest of your schedule as you scribbled it down onto the notepad. "Alright, that's all they've got on here. So back to the topic at-"

"Talk to you tomorrow!" you said quickly, hanging up before she could finish her sentence. You would pay for it later, and you already knew you'd owe her some juicy bits about everything that was going on, but that was a problem for tomorrow. You pulled up your messaging app, quickly texting Keigo back and letting him know that Haruki would be fine to come at lunch, and that you didn't work again until tomorrow morning.

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