She rubbed her eyes, blinking at him before nodding. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'm okay with that."

"Good. I'll talk to Haruki tomorrow about the lawyer. We will see what we can do. I promise I'll do everything in my power to get her back to you," he said, and she smiled up at him gratefully.

"Thank you," she said softly, and he smiled at her in return before glancing over at the clock. It was close to 5:30 now, their entire day almost gone.

"So..." he said, looking back at her nervously as he tapped his fingers on the table. "Now what do we do?"

"Fuck?" She responded nonchalantly with a small shrug, and his heart stopped as he blinked at her. Was she actually serious? Did she really want to move that fast? Was he even ready for that? How did these things normally go in porn? There was a certain order things progressed in, right? Was she going to be able to tell he had no clue what he was doing? What if she didn't like it? What if–

"Keigo?" Her voice finally broke through his thoughts, and he blinked at her, frowning as she started laughing. "I was kidding. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable. I could, uh, make us some dinner? Maybe we could watch some TV together. Ease into this whole roommate situation we've got going on."

He let out a sigh of relief, the tension in his body melting away, and he let out a small laugh. "I can help you cook if you want. I've never actually done it before, but I'm more than happy to try. No promises it's any good though." He offered, and she smiled brightly in return.

He watched as she got up, gathering their cups and depositing them into the sink before opening his fridge. She frowned, turning to look at him, her confusion evident from her expression.

"You have literally nothing in your fridge!" She exclaimed, and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ah yeah, that might make things difficult. Come sit down, and we can place a grocery delivery?"

She sighed and rejoined him at the table. He pulled out his phone, and together they put together a list of things they would need to cook. It was a novel experience for him; he'd never actually had to do grocery shopping before. He smiled as they talked through different foods together, eventually allowing her to take his phone completely and order whatever she wanted. The Commission wouldn't dare argue with her over his diet, at least not yet, and he watched her in wonder as she scrolled through different ingredients.

It only took a few more minutes before she handed it back to him, and he checked out without even looking over the list once. If that bento box was anything to go off, he'd eat anything she made. Since they had time to wait before they arrived, he made sure to show her around the apartment, ensuring she knew where everything was and how to turn on the various odds and ends.

Thankfully, their groceries arrived quickly, and he watched with interest as she sorted everything out, reorganizing the kitchen as she went. Suddenly she stopped, turning to face him, her eyes wide with horror. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. This is your apartment, and I just totally took over."

He laughed, shaking his head. "Obviously, I've never used it much. Just reorganize how you see fit, and then you can teach me how to cook. It's your home now too."

She gave him a shy smile, and it only took a few more minutes for her to let out a satisfied sigh. "Alright, let's get cooking."

Despite his excitement, he was a terrible help in the kitchen. He wasn't quite sure what utensil was needed when, grabbed the wrong thing from the fridge, and added way too much butter and salt into the pan. She seemed to take it in stride though, laughing, and before long, she was putting their dinner into the oven with a final laugh.

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