Return of Demonic Beast

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Goku was flying to his house after a tough training with vegeta.

"Goku: Sure it's rough training with vegeta,glad i have family and friends around me."

Goku finally arrives at his house,the earth saiyan opens the door and enters.

"Goku: hey chichi,i'm home..."

Goku notices something strange,it's was bit of messy. objects and furnitures were broken,goku feels a strange ki around this house.

"You must be.... Son goku ?"

Goku hears a evil voice around the house,he turns around he saw shadow person with his eye glowing,Then it moves forward revealing to be ryuji Yamazaki himself 

"Ryuji Yamazaki: i amazed by your house.the flowers pots,the kitchen,photo portrait and i gotta say." 

Yamazaki grabs photo portrait of goku's family as he looking at.

"Ryuji Yamazaki: you have pretty happy family."

Yamazaki fist bumps the wall as three giant symbiotic webs drops reavling to be gohan,chi chi and goten tied by giant Symbiotic webs.

"Goku: i will not let you murder my family !"

Goku charges towards to Yamazaki but Goku recives flying kick in stomach by tai lung.

Goku's leg gets grabbed by symbiote web and slams to the ground.

"Tai lung: so, this is the savior of earth ? How pathetic."tai lung was stomping goku's head

"Ryuji Yamazaki: alright saiyan guy,can you help us with one. Simple."

Yamazaki notices goku tries to get up but melony cuts goku's right arm with her fierce deity sword,goku groans.

"Ryuji Yamazaki: thing !" Says Yamazaki with sinister smirk

In other world,everything was quite until dark beam summons in ground as the main team shows up.

"Ryuji Yamazaki: stay frosty team,we just looking for that demon."

Yamazaki looks for each sides while walking with team.

They notices a orge wearing red headphones, a green short sleeved hoodie, a dark blue shirt, red fingerless gloves and yellow pants with black lines,who watching soul Cleansing Machine.

"Ryuji Yamazaki: Hey demon guy, i looking for someone called.... Janemba. is he here ?"

Orge was scared of what he heard.

"Uhhh i never heard that name before and how you guys get here ?"

"Ryuji Yamazaki: teleportation, you know..."

"Ryuji Yamazaki: such a shame we did't see the guy himself."

Yamazaki flicks a coin at the machine,hitting one of parts in process causing a malfuction.

"Venom: where's the demon itself."

"Ryuji Yamazaki: not yet...."

Saike demon was trying to fixing until Cleansing Machine  explodes.

The main team were saved this team while they looking something in dust. it's was someone mutants to something giant.

"Melony: is he ok ?"

"Ryuji Yamazaki: don't worry it's just a scratch"

Suddenly something bigger was above the giant them,for their suprise it was a giant,yellow and childlike being.

"Ryuji Yamazaki: huh strange..... i was expecting something creepier more then happy silly creature."

Melony was amazed as goes top of the creature's belly and starts rubbing his belly with her hands.

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